
While this is tragic......people please do NOT bring pets on aircraft.

She looks kinda scary......

Country gone to shit allowing illegal non-citizens to sue...Just another way to fuck up our tax dollars.

I don’t see where Metal fits into this philosophy.....

“That’s definitely not how taxes work”

Maybe just maybe you don’t wait five fucking years....

Not sure I’d classify an insect as an animal.

Arlington has become a shithole. It’s only one section and a small section that has anything worth doing in it.

“Got me drunk, walked me home, made out with me (I was ok with that) and ended up raping my drunk self (I never drink so I wasn’t in control that night.) bleagh bye boys”

Helo’s don’t have wings.......

All in the wussification of Murica’!

Exactly this. My GF works for Delta and yes profit sharing is awesome. Although their wage scale for her particular position does suck.

There is no problem with this. You’re on their property, not yours. No different than companies that track employees across their buildings.

Awwwww poor little bitch wahhh wahhh wahhhhh.

Glitches are part of the game. If they exist, everyone should be able to use them. Either use them or take them out of the game. Simple.

Well it IS racist as you would say the same if a white person called you a typical black woman....

“The ultimate goal is to have officers removed from schools completely,” Caffey says. “But if they’re going to be there, we want them to be doing their job, which is to protect students, not committing acts of violence against them.”

But women who think they could get a leg up...pun intended would never fuck their prof for gain right?

Oh you mean the one who’s associated with multitudes of felons? The National Felon League?