
This dude is fucking warped. He’s just pushing the kind of non-values on her that has helped the drain of this society in general.

Which is sad that it was struck down, fucking fakers and losers who lie about this shit should be shot.

Here’s your star!

Seeing how he’s the one who complained and then subsequently crashed.....maybe everyone else is just better than him because they didn’t crash......hmmmmmm

Who wants to see a vid of that nappy bitch blowing someone anyway?

Not likely unless you shoot him dead.......obviously you’ve never performed hand to hand combat with a Seal before. Such a stupid statement.

Obviously you live in another reality. Background checks meh, don’t work. How do you plan on making that work? Have to bring a doctors note? A database of anyone who’s taken psych meds?

don’t be such a fucking pansy!

If it was.....he’d have probably seen it thousands of times....

Try what? No one has come up with any solution that would even make sense to try. More laws.....won’t work, more security in schools, won’t work as it’ll just happen somewhere else. Mark anyone who has been to a psych ineligible to purchase a gun, won’t work. Banning guns......seriously won’t work. So what is it we

So what do you want changed? No matter what it is, it won’t end any of this...

Happened in Allen about a month ago as well. Wasn’t near the fight this one was though..

“Pendley says Pastner sexually harassed Pendley 11 times between the first incident and March 4"

“Parents must be able to place their trust in educators to provide a safe learning environment for our kids,”

Exactly and it isn’t going to change anytime soon because these so called earthers don’t realize that none of the “green” shit is affordable.

“This will result in a 30 day suspension with recommendation for discharge for the first offense; this is regardless of your prior record or work history.”

Maybe the so called victims should make better choices......instead of blaming someone else in the end for their lack of brain matter...

Exactly, U-Whatever should mean exactly that, not a place for scrub fucks returning from injury or any other reason to be in that league.

The NHL has no favorite southern team as they are all up the asses of the teams in the Northeast.......

Flyers and badass don’t even belong in the same sentence. There is nothing bad ass about them and hasn’t been for a long long time and won’t be for any of the foreseeable future...