
The system is truly fucked up. Changes need to be made immediately but politicians don’t give a rats ass because they’re rich.

Social media influencer.......IE Some dumb ass person who puts out stuff that sheep will try/buy. Get a mind of your own and stop listening to people who get paid to tell you shit.

Well well, how the fuck do you get into the military as an illegal......this is totally fucked up. Then again, you’re an to be you.

Tis because you’re the sheep who follows the shit society we live in today. Get a sack and think for yourself not like the other robots....

Super always > turbo...:D

Fucking brits.......another example of coddling the wastes of society..

What a bunch of spineless pussies.

This is racist.

“Serving 77 notices of inspection on different employers in the last three days within a single area of responsibility, in this case, San Francisco, appears unprecedented.”

Definitely interference, shoved out of the crease by two players clearly in the crease.....Would be in any other game but the NHL loves to cater to those NE teams.....

Why do we even need an article like this?

Few problems here.....

Nope, would speak to you as I feel fit. Not scared, if you’re ever down south, look me up. I still stick by my assessment...if you did, have any...your tune would be a lot different.

Well at least she knows what’ll make money....People won’t give up their cigs, nor will others give up their Black & Milds.....

Thanks, love my assholery! Congrats on having no balls!

“ICE deported Amer Othman Adi, a Palestinian business-owner”

Fuck people and their “Emotional Support” shit. This has gotten way out of hand and glad to see the airlines standing up to them.

Should start shooting inept parents as this is the core of the problem.

Wah fucking wah....cry me a river you entitled little fucks. No sympathy..

There’s a way to protest and this by far is NOT it. You don’t fuck over others who are simply trying to get where their going because you think you are holier than thou because you believe in something.