
“While the practice of employing grid girls has been a staple of Formula 1 Grands Prix for decades, we feel this custom does not resonate with our brand values and clearly is at odds with modern day societal norms.”

Sorry the less evolved are the ones who think they can inconvenience others at their expense of their so called “Cause”.

Not so harsh when you have this...

This is where you stop.....get out of your vehicle and promptly punch the fuck out of said idiot, get back in your vehicle and move on allowing others to do the same. Come to think of it.....if everyone behind him did that, we wouldn’t have to worry about his stupid ass again....

Bitch needs to she’s even relevant.

Give it two years and no one will know who the fuck she is......

She’s fuckable........

Yeah this mother fucker is a pillar of society and will be Exxon’s new CEO. What a fucking chump moron! If you have to pull off all that shit to get yourself noticed then your music sucks and you don’t even need to be in the biz. Of course 99% of rap/hip hop falls into this category as well.....shit music if you can

And will probably show him being a righteous dumbass and deserving of the tase.

OMFG, fuck these extremist mother fuckers. Crowdfunding........are you fucking kidding me? Should have died up on that fucker. If you’re stupid enough to do these extremist things then you should know full well your ass could die and that no one should come to save your dumb ass.

Does anyone expect she’d be nothing more than an entitled little piss ant? I mean seriously, look at her fucking parents.......

After a certain amount of alcohol, it wasn’t my girlfriend in there anymore.”

“When equipped on motorhomes—commonly used for travel on highways at speeds well above 65 mph”

The problem is kids are getting the contact high’s now and plus it just is fucking rank.

Cities/Counties/States/Feds should not be able to give tax breaks to companies at all.

“accused her of having sex with a married coworker at a company event”

Why would someone subject themselves to this? They know it’s sickening but instead of saying oh fucking hell no, I’m out.....they do it. Do you really need that job that fucking bad? It’s not glamorous but McDonalds hires alot..

Even if it isn’ is. Funny how most of the criminality in the NFL is by black players....

“didn’t know what an IRA was until someone mentioned it in casual conversation when she was 25.”

Do NOT stop spanking. Lack of corporal punishment is what has churned out these entitled fucks that litter our society today.