
You guys are morons. First, it’s obvious the over and under is broken down. No shells in chamber. Second, hand is not on trigger. Sorry you idiots didn’t grow up with guns but saying this is bad gun safety just shows you have no clue.

Only if it’s used for commercial purposes. If it is in the public view and for private viewing then you’re out of luck.

And this applies to the original statement of how 99.9% of people could give a shit less? Sure it’s out there but only a select group actually give a shit.

Grammar isn’t the issue at hand. Show me the 99.9% of people who care about what you just posted or that care about boolean at all...You can’t. Last but not’re an arrogant prick. Have a totally wonderful day! I know I will, laughing the rest of the day along with my co-workers who are reading your silly

Why because it’s true? Most Americans could give a shit less about boolean logic. Sorry your butthurt.

Hence the 99.9%. Maybe you should learn to read.

Sad thing is they leave out Texas and breweries which have won medals at GABF.

And he’s still a

Meh, 99.9% of people don’t give a shit. Because 99.9% of people don’t use it practically IRL. Just another one of those wasted courses people are required to take.

no crime committed so it’s not evidence......

It’s already too late for that. Growth has put the world in the bind it is in already.

Pretty much everyone should have these restrictions. It’s what has got us importing more shit and food. The infrastructure can’t handle it.



You mean conformity of living like the Chinese? Mass buildings with people packed in together? Expand your horizons...oh wait you’re one of those closed minded city dwellers.

Urban areas are more the issue. It’s a nightmare just as much. Oh and I only live 2 minutes from a Grocery store and planned suburbs have plenty of shopping within easy 5 minute trips.

Hate the new design in the Roku app. It takes you more to get where you need to go and doesn’t auto advance to the next episode after playing like it did before.

Woman needs to STFU

Well when they’re calling out a fucking idiot of a’s not a bad thing.

Very nice, enjoyed watching!