
Yes in Texas they’re called Burnt Ends too. Kansas City doesn’t have a lock on that.

Another hot woman who smokes. Man this is a fetish guy’s heaven today!

Ivana is the definition of fuckable. Who cares who her dad is doing.

Smoking hot, literally!

Damn, takes him that much to get it up..what a chump!

Just all the transplants.......

Just give me a donkey

Why do we need a fucking book and therapy? Oh yeah we’re catering to the coddled fucks who’ve been unleashed on society by shitbag parents.

Roads were built for cars, not trucks. There is such a thing as minimum limits and impeding traffic too. This is why you’re finding more places that have rules that keep trucks out of the left lane on highways.

Car drivers don’t need to learn patience when the speed limit is 75. Trucks do NOT belong in the left lane anywhere unless there is a left exit. PERIOD!

Why does any of it matter, the real story is how incredibly hot both of them are...

Because they still think they’re owed something and need to be treated special.

Yeah I’ll pass on the West side as well.

Sucks to live on the east coast.....

Pretty much you can schedule the delivery. Don’t know what world you’re living in.

Have you run across that sticky goo left on the components from the smoke? The stuff that looks yellowish? Nasssssssssty!

I guess you don’t get the FACT that most all of our oil comes from Canada and not the middle east. Do some research next time.

Asphalt by far has less traction than concrete....

Someone that has some sense. Also, until you make those renewables affordable to the common’s not going anywhere. Wind is nice but can’t handle the grid load. Solar.....meh...just like you said batteries and grid load. The amount of money that will be spent to try and make this work is insane.

Global Climate Change was happening and will happen with or without our intervention/help. Throughout history this has been well documented. While we may make a minute dent in how it plays out...we’re not going to stop it and the cycle will start all over again as it did way back then.