
Spires did not count in the past. Fake record with an asterisk in my book.

Whine much? What are you 5?

Two words........Sugar Daddy.

I still utilize Kodi and Plex. I only have one HTPC tied to my 70” screen and the rest I use Plex on with Roku boxes.

A small chastising comment isn’t bringing something to the table. It’s a futile effort in that regard. All this came about because of Manning who under the UCMJ should be dead already anyway. Society has gone down so much since the past generation grew up. Obviously you’ve never served aboard one and trying to be

How is it stupid? Just because you don’t like it? Classified information exists for a reason. It is not for general public knowledge. I was in charge of keeping nuclear secrets for a US Submarine so I take this shit seriously. You don’t go spouting off your mouth about shit just because you think everyone needs to

If found, he should be shot. End of story.

Yes, our crazy computers (cash registers) that calculate the correct change. Damn us kids.” Yes because you truly don’t know how to do math anymore and rely on the automated register to figure things out for you. Not saying the lady was right but the statement above is true.

If she’s in college then she’s an adult and can make her own decision. Sit down and shut the fuck up you helicopter parent piece of shit.

And this is why you don’t do stupid stuff to begin with. Don’t do stupid stuff....don’t go to prison or get shot. Another dose of common sense brought to you by the people left in society who have some.

Edward Snowden and Bradley/Chelsea Manning are both traitors and should be shot, unarmed and in the back. That is all.

She told Edith......Bye Felicia

This is what stupid people don’t realize. When you take a company phone.....they OWN it, not you and can put whatever they want to on it. It’s also the reason they can remotely wipe the device in case of your termination.

Why they even decide to publish this is beyond me... When you end with this statement:

That’s because they’ll let any fucking idiot into the military now. Servicemen used to have standards and honor but that all went to shit when society did due to lack of parental guidance.

Now that is hot!

Blame the TV show.

Nice shots!

Oh yeah keeps them in business for sure and just pray you don’t have a wreck during that time or you’ll be waiting a long long time to get your car back as all the body shops are backed up.

It has plenty of reality and statistical research. Again, fact is that they wouldn’t exist if people didn’t do the things the stereotypes are made of to begin with. Of course you’re not going to rebut my example because you can’t. Percentages state that more than likely there will be a black guy driving that Caddy