
I agree, it came in handy in the 65 Chevy pickup he had.

Suicide knobs helped with those that didn’t have power steering. I first saw them in the late 60’s in my grandfather’s truck.

The reason stereotypes exist is because it happens. Example so you can understand.......You’re not going to find a white boy driving a purple glitter Caddy with gold 24’s on it. That is the reason the stereotype exists because you don’t see that.

That’s the problem with Poly/Open, inevitably someone is going to want more or feel they’re getting the short end of the stick. See it happen all the time with people I know. Humans are inclined to be jealous.....some will tell you that’s bullshit but if you really look at it, it’s true.

The problem is that girls DO dress provocatively. This is evident all across society today. Parents who don’t give a shit don’t mind that a high school aged girl is showing basically the top 3/4 of her tits to everyone but then gets pissed because people look and comment. Now I agree that a 5yr old with straps is not


Not only that but specific internal IT applications as well. Altiris being one of the biggest. Still using poorly written Active X controls.

I just ran into this with a work issue with Java. Chrome won’t support it anymore well at least version 6 which is what we have to use to view devices on our KVM. Personally I hate Java and it should be banished.

Wow, that’s pretty awesome!

Schools should not have the authority to punish anyone for anything that happens off-campus.

Thanks, always looking for more good content on my Roku’s!

Nuclear fixes the gone dark problem. Spare me the getting rid of the waste thing. Rivers weren’t meant to be re-routed to our whims.

This will come in really handy. Instead of popping my phone off my belt, I can just type in Chrome which I always have open at work anyway.

Dam’s screw up the natural ecosystem.

Just goes to show you these idiots aren’t as smart as they think they are...

Whoever thought plastic everything was a good idea is a fucking moron. Especially bottles, we should have stuck with glass. Nothing was wrong with it. Sure, lets go to plastic bags which don’t break down and get strewn everywhere instead of the good ole paper that does break down and even can be used to start new

Yes there are scrubbers but the smell from Amine that gets into your clothing makes you want to burn it all when you’re done. You can never ever get that smell out.

No but she was there quite a bit though....Happened to be tied up next to her many many times.

Sad thing is these guys look more feminine than they do......

Sound dispersion......from the inside out.