
That is true, we tested out sooooooo much stuff on our LA class boat. Being a bubblehead is not for everyone, you definitely need a sound mind and have the capability to multitask under pressure. Not to mention sleep in a coffin and not see the sun for upwards of 76 days at a time...

That’s doubtful, although I haven’t ridden a SeaWolf class, the LA Class could only push about 32-35kts in ideal conditions.

Correct you are.

Except you forget the part about some of those waiting in the wings actually launched tomahawks during the first gulf war. Pretty impressive watching those things come up out of the water through a periscope....

NDA’s......bwahahahaha. They’re called security clearances and most work is sectioned off and people are not told what they are building. They only see specifics for the pieces they are responsible for. No different than the aircraft industry.

Actually it would not take very long, a day or two at most. Loading out with supplies can be done in a matter of hours. The longer parts are the crew and getting the reactor back up. My boat did it in a single day.

Not everywhere, at Ballast Point in San knew full well when the Parche was in port.

She was an icon, she will be missed.

It’s totally ok for him to be on his high horse when it comes to Walmart. You do have a choice, never set foot in a Walmart owned store for any reason.

It’s totally ok for him to be on his high horse when it comes to Walmart. You do have a choice, never set foot in a

You know I have no sympathy for California and the problems it has. They created this shit on their own and knew better but said screw it, we don’t need to think things through.

Good for you! You stepped up when a lot of people wouldn’t. What is sad in today’s age is most people don’t want to get involved in anything as their chances of being sued later are high. Just think how you’d feel that even though you saved a life that later on, get sued for something that may or may not have been

Thanks for letting me know. I’ll give it a shot then!

Just as women are told to check for lumps on their breasts, men should check for lumps on their balls. USPSTF...really...not even affiliated with Gov. They’re some medical think tank load of shit. All you have to do is look at their disclaimers page. New England Journal of Medicine.....different story.

But a baby bump makes every woman beautiful

Puhleeze, if she even initiated any sexual contact or even said what he claims then that IS consent. I guess missing having his wife around and the things they used to do doesn’t mean much in your eyes. Hope you have no visitors in your time at the Old Folks Home.

Yeah, I’d also like to know if anyone is experiencing battery drain when using this.

No more than you sir, no more than you...

The decision to commit petty crimes and put your life in that position is what is truly not thinking. Personally and just my opinion on the matter.

The police didn’t lie about the kid, he was acting a fool, didn’t follow instructions and the call they got said it was a kid with a gun. Toy or not, you can’t make that decision in a split second.

Point is, don’t make stupid choices and be a criminal to begin with, little common sense here Dean.