
Waste of an article. This is easily summed up...They ARE stupid, naive and don't like it when others tell them what they have to do. Sound familiar? It's a whole generation...

You sound just as douchy as the stalking film nut and the biker. You're going to be the one who gets shot because you act a fool. If you can clearly see a uniform, you should pull over..why because 99.999% of the's a cop and your stupid attitude and actions will only lead to bad things for you.

The headline is such bullshit. No where in this video can you say with certainty that the cop/whoever it was, was trying to run from the person filming. Also, this douche who was filming this also broke laws, clearly which aligns him with the 99% of superbike riders who are complete douchebags anyway.

I'll disagree with your supply line of thought. I was on a carrier for awhile (Abe Lincoln) and you can fly in anything within a matter of hours. Seen it happen.

They're no different for either AF or Naval craft, each has its problems. It doesn't simplify anything. a fixed port creates drag which limits the crafts abilities and provides no stealth at all. With that in mind, there is no real reason to have fixed ports anymore.

Genius...pure genius!

Genius...pure genius!

She's hot though...

This is very simple to solve but the lack of brains in the NHL offices and team management is bursting at the seams.

The stuff they do there is beyond stupid. One of the worst state models ever. Now they're in an "Oh Shit" situation and only themselves to blame.

Unfortunately those feelings never go away. Doesn't matter who it is, someone who is in the 'triangle' or relationship will have those feelings.

Looks like a weak frame.

I don't believe they should be able to sue. People have known about concussions and that it will mess you up for a long long time. They chose to get into the sport including NFL players. You can choose not to play or not to fight. Ultimately, it's a choice.

Would all be nice and fine if fucking AT&T would give the S5 it's 5.0 update. My god, all the other carriers have it already. What's your excuse. Shit like this will make me switch carriers!!

Not surprising, Southwest Attendants are very laid back. If you're ever on a flight with a male attendant who has jet black hair down his back. He'll talk to you forever. Great dude!

Hillary is an outright moron. This is one of the biggest security no-no's there is. I work for government and yes I have to carry two phones. A minor inconvenience really. She will never become Pres with attitudes like hers. Not that she needs to be Pres anyway because she's just whacked otherwise.

What I don't see mentioned is does she even get her husband off anymore? Hand, BJ, ETC?

One word......Barf!

Most don't use ketchup. The common thing is mustard.

Except when morons use the same password for both...

I don't know what you think you know about BBQ but yes we do use sauce.