
You're as bad as people that eat hot dogs with mayonnaise

Only should be banned if a tripod is banned in same said area.

Which is why I said that. No point in Masa, wheat flour is so much more easier to make and easier to grow.

You still do it, that's what you do. This non corporal punishment society has produced hoards of entitled, non-respectful, non-responsible monsters.

Exactly and Corn really isn't digestible and provides no value.

I'll give the Sheep herder a call for you.

Population growth and development have run the normal american farmer out of business. Slowly people are trying to get back into it but when you have companies like Monsanto out there, it is very hard to do. And for the love of god, please stop giving subsidies to guys for growing corn. We don't need corn!

Wow, anal much? You don't have to raise the bar when few words ring true already. But for your benefit...She is a hypocrite, a criminal and a weak woman who chose to ride his coat. Her views are warped, make no sense and are along the lines of the psychotic Wendy Davis. That is why she will never be POTUS. Good

Bitch will never be POTUS.

All the leagues do. ECHL, AHL

Didn't know it extended to the throat, good to know.

Most snakebites won't kill a large dog. The benadryl idea is a good one as the area around the bite WILL swell and look quite gross. Also the snake avoidance training is spot on as dogs are naturally curious and lead with their snout first which usually is the place they get bit. My Rhodesian got bit on the snout

Just another reason she's not going to ever become President.

What a great eye opening article.

May be batshit crazy but still fuckable, hahaha.

But then again, someone in her position shouldn't rely on the hospital to educate her on Ebola. Something that every basic nurse graduating should already know.

She's just afraid she's going to pop those fake ass boobs the tranny has..

Two things gained from this.

So should your current leader but let's not mention that right?

Thanks a fucking lot Samsung, I really just wanted to turn around an buy an iPhone clone anyway. Thanks to Google for fucking up external storage as well. So long Samsung, my household is done with you.