
None of those cars are huge accomplishments. The Thunderbird didn't sell well and the design of the Mustang made it a girl car.

It's not a reason for abortion, it's a reason sterilization is needed.

It's called sterilization......

What fucking loser shoots a 5 month old deer with no antlers? He's not even grown enough to consider using for meat. Just some douchebag wanting the kill.

Sorry but don't assume.....being 49 doesn't qualify as hipster. Obviously you don't know beer, if you did you'd know that Samuel Smith's hails from Yorkshire, UK and has been around since 1758. Before you start spouting useless some reading or research beforehand.

Nah it's still easy to find those Typhoons :)

As long as they maintain the required 500ft boundary from my property...they're good. Break that and I break them.

Guinness is probably one of the worst stouts there is. Samuel Smith's is much better and a hoard of other crafts make it look really bad.

Who drinks Guinness any more??

There's been some stupid stuff with NCAA hockey. I still hate what they did to North Dakota.

Oh trust me, I'm not saying the govt. is upfront with much of anything including this. I'm just stating what I know and have seen. I was in the original gulf war onboard a nuclear fast attack submarine which was the first one to launch tomahawks over there. We spy on everyone including our allies, done that. Also

Firsthand......was in military and had the imagery. Why do you think they found that one truck that broke down? They stripped it down before the UN found it. Others went to Syria...interesting how they had those here recently eh?

The craft beer scene in the state has risen to one of the top scenes in the country over the past 5 years.

Sorry to burst your bubble but there were WMD's...they were trucked into Syria to get them out of UN Inspector's sight. Your belief in that is only what mass media fed you. I've seen the satellite imagery.

Wow, you're much more a dumbass than I originally thought. Next you're going to tell me that diesel is more expensive than gasoline to make. Word to the wise...Make sure you have all your marbles before entering a debate.

Except I don't want to pay for some douche to sit in a pseudo hotel for 50 years or more......

It does if used correctly....

As opposed to the outrageous prices the others charge too? It depends on the situation and what kind of phones and how many you have on your account. Verizon's shared plan would cost me as much as I'm paying on AT&T now so what's the point?

Personally I don't care about your so called facts the death penalty should stand and could become a serious deterrent again if public hangings were utilized, all television stations carried the executions live and instead of drawing things out for 20+ years you carry it out quick. Sure there are innocents that have

We should have been......