
Although it can be. Beretta's were standard issue to my unit when I was in service.

Who fucking cares? The majority of death row inmates are male..

No, it's like staying in a fucking hotel depending on where you are. TV, Library, Magazines, visitation, free meals, exercise is that torture?

Fucking sympathizers......Sure we want to pay to keep these douchebags alive. Dumbass.

It's hate either way and it is just how you are taught. You're not born knowing that you hate pedophiles, you are taught that. Same as some are taught to hate gays. No difference. Not sure where you come up with the troll and TV thing as I stated I was taught to hate pedophiles and confirmed that what they do is

Should be booted. Any outburst like that in a normal're fired.

Wow, as a man.....he admitted to being bullied.......sad. That's when you just kick the guy's ass.

So reading some of the comments, what's the difference between why some people hate pedo's so bad and those that hate gays? Realistically nothing. It's the way they think. Just as some are taught being gay is wrong and evil, most everyone is taught that pedophiles are wrong and evil. Those who don't think it's

I'll still disagree. Sorry but just the way it is. That's part of the joy of brewing is being involved in the process. Who bottles now anyway? I would also state that distribution nation/worldwide is mass production as the preservatives they put in their beer are just another part of the nastiness of it. Johnny

I'll disagree with the mass produced statement. When your fermenting kettles are as big as an oil storage tank compared to the 35 bbl ones a lot of crafters use..then yeah you're mass producing. Also, when your process is completely're mass producing.

Except a lot of the shit they put in those mass produced beers is no different that what the processed food companies use. I'll stick with my 4 ingredient beer. (Grains, Yeast, Hops and Water)

Neither will AT&T S4's........we're only about to get 4.3

Exactly, which is why you hear about every two bit wannabe thug in the NFL fucking up like every other weekend...

Yes, Wendy and her sheep are the hypocrites. They got called on it.

Uptight liberal woman who is hypocritical just like the rest of Wendy Davis' sheep. The issue originally was pushed as "women's choice". Then when you all got called on that, you make it about clinics closing down. Well guess what......that's a good idea, maybe it will make women think more before doing it. You

Yes there does if you expect to get any kind of conviction. Sorry but you can't even compare it to a cellphone. At best the only comparison is a bluetooth device.

Sorry, unless you have a law specifically banning the device......suck it.

I'm all out of them now. Sorry :(

Awesome machine but why spend the money building something like that here? We can live without NY Harbor....

Pokemon.......really that's all you've got? Big boys don't come out and call someone an internet jackass after they clearly were being the arrogant prick in the first place. Unless you come here with hard data you can show completely disproves anything he said other than your opinion then you aren't even near the