You see, THESE tropes aren’t anti-Semitic, because he learned them from Stephen Miller and Ben Shapiro, so it’s not nearly as bad as the time Ilhan Omar referenced the hook to a rap song.
I promise I’m not trying to be obtuse, but making the leap from considering criticism of a country’s government to be anti-semitic/racist/bigoted is actually insane to me, and dangerously disingenuous. Is there something I’m missing? And I mean maybe it’s because I’m black, but “all about the Benjamins” is a pretty…
I agree completely we need to quit using these kinds of anti animal phrases.
#3 is what has me convinced that the human race will not survive.
You joke...but have you ever seen the inability most people on the planet have with #3?
She should probably not be driving.
I had to teach my wife recently to fill the car (she’s never driven, we’re 25).
They seem him as an instrument from God sent to destroy the heathen liberals destroying their country.
do Republicans think
In fact, if you wrap a puppy in an American flag and put it on top of a pumpkin-spice gift certificate to Starbucks and tell a white woman you’re giving it to a soldier, she will spontaneously orgasm.
Don’t forget that he’s holding a campaign rally in Florida in the near future! Yay!
Clicks on foxtrotalpha, can’t figure out why foxtrotalpha posts are on foxtrotalpha, shakes fist at foxtrotalpha...
Blaming Hillary again, way to be a President.
Except if you’re a Royals fan like me and fucking devastated. The thing about living in a city like this, in a ‘small market’, is most of us have a real connection to these players. Like they’re family. We see them out on the town and we don’t bother them all the time. They don’t need security when they go to a…
Donald Trump was accused by the Justice Department in the 1970's of refusing to rent apartments in his developments to black people.
The single engine that drives his psychology is a desire for dominance. It is about dominance and power. It is being able to walk into a room and take over.
Trump is going to skip the next debate and instead host a pay-per-view where he will literally make out with his daughter.
Sam is laid back, with an easy smile. The 33-year-old recently moved from California to Oregon with his wonderful…