“The report went on to say that Berger knew he should have checked the math on the calculations that resulted in the bridge collapsing, but ‘he indicated that there was not enough budget or time to evaluate those factors.’”
“The report went on to say that Berger knew he should have checked the math on the calculations that resulted in the bridge collapsing, but ‘he indicated that there was not enough budget or time to evaluate those factors.’”
I was legit worried about getting through passport control, train in to the city, spending time, getting back to the airport, through passport control again, and making my flight.
My brother took the same JFK-JNB route on South African and said pretty much the same thing. In all seriousness, his only concern really was the broken seatback IFE (which was quickly rectified with a reset of the whole IFE system on the plane).
Okay, “Gym”. If you want to play hardball and deal with facts— here’s a fact for you: You knew about the team doctor who was sexually assaulting various members of the Ohio State Wrestling team you were a coach of in the 90's...and you did NOTHING. Your opinion is worth jackshit, and your high school theatrics and…
Giuliani’s performance last night would be hilarious if it wasn’t for the fact that we’re dealing with real politics, and this is the President of the goddamn United States specifically being accused of an implied quid-pro-quo deal to the Ukrainians in return for substantial dirt on a political opponent’s son- which…
Can The Root just start officially referring to La Naranja Enojada as ‘Mayor McCheese’ from here on out? PLEASE?!?
Sad part is that American libertarians and right-wing think tanks didn’t really have to go digging too hard to find racial grievances in Brazil. That country has had unchecked racially-based issues FOR DECADES, which was casually swept under the rug by the mostly white controlled media and business interests, who were…
Have you tried your banking in Colombia? I think all you need is a 3 kilo deposit of coke to open an investment account down there.
Not gonna lie, I think this is one of the FEW cars as of late that’s really giving me the fizz. I like the styling, it’s nice to see BMW bringing a true roadster back into their fray of automobiles, and lessens the blow of having to realize this is the SAME car company that released the overpriced shit-box known as…
It’ll be my PLEASURE to vote this piece of shit out of office in a couple years.
So I’m curious to know what exactly it is that Dana Loesch does when she’s not busy sleeping in a coffin, on a bed of nails...
So the KKK hoods, swastikas, and racist chants were just part of this ‘arguing against the removal of a statue’ right?
As a Cleveland sports fan, I can sympathize. My heart goes out to you.
Trump 2016: Make America Rape Again!
The problem here though with unmarked cruises doing traffic enforcement is that you have NO idea if the guy pulling you over is actually a cop or not. Which is why I’m such a strong proponent of said vehicles having full reflective markings, lights, and being conspicuous as all get-out.
I can’t really hate on her. She knows she’s cute, she knows she’s dorky, she knows she has a great figure, and is astutely marketing herself as being that “cute gamer-girl next door” type.
So a grown adult choosing to protest the treatment of those less fortune than him is tantamount to being a referendum on whether or not you should be able to call me a nigger? Interesting.
Wait, isn’t this the same quack who along with Adam Carolla had that little show on MTV called ‘Loveline’ where they both mused and gave advice to angst-ridden teenagers and young adults about topics ranging from AIDS to homosexual relationships; with Carolla making frequent crude ad-libs— or ‘jokes’ as you will— and…
This man would be proud.
Wouldn’t be the first time the Brazilians concocted weird and hasty conclusions in order to obscure their own lawlessness, corruption, and incompetence...