
Yesterday I was driving slow enough for the spaceship sounds to emit from my volt and a lady still managed to walk out in front of my car...

Gen 2 Volt gets 54 miles EPA on full electric but I regularly see at least 61 with my daily commute

I wish all charge ports were up front and center.  Watching Tesla-Bros back in to charge in one way only angled parking is fun. Guess they dont know that the charge cord will reach to the back of their car...

“I know what I’ve got!”

because Poe Dameron? 

on slammed buses you can flip the portal axles from each side and run them upside down to get hella low

space winga-dinga

Tesla: Test it in production!

204 mile range, somewhat easily replaceable battery modules, what appears to be excellent drive unit cooling and battery cooling as well as a more effcient heating method for the cabin..

screw impressing others. drive what you want... Get that Miata! 

“weaponized nostalgia” 

Taillights look awesome

loved the people that would do this and block the diesel pump...

why not a series hybrid like a diesel electric locomotive or Chevy Volt?  Could stick a smaller diesel engine to act as a range extender. Maybe even just bolt a BMW i3 into the engine compartment, it should fit


and this is why I keep my keys not by my front door and in a Faraday cage like key box. #paranoid

thats complete garbage. I never got any sort of needs based assistance... seriously...

So plug in at your friends house you douche canoe.... 

so much focus on not being a manual in the comments.. still

The people I see complaining about this on my social media are people that I KNOW will not be buying a Vette in the next 3-5 years or ever. Yes Jimmy, your job at the grocery store as a stock clerk will afford you to buy a frivolous vehicle while you pay off your loan for Devry....