
Well since one commenter replying to you is not being helpful and the other is being a shitty person by equating people wanting to feel comfortable in their bodies with the antics of a cartoonish fictional serial killer, allow me to put it in simple terms.

To be clear: Christians demand that bathing suits show the visible outline of a child’s penis. This is what they think we should all be focusing on.

To be fair, raising a child WELL with all the stuff they need takes $300k. I’m guessing raising a child in the Boebert household requires a Bible, a TV, a smartphone loaded with shitty social media apps, several handguns per child, and a hairbrush for spankings. Maybe some food.

Call me crazy, but I’m going to go way out on a limb and suggest that Ron DeSantis, Kid Rock, et al. would have a SLIGHTLY different reaction if a black man choked a homeless white man to death, no matter how “crazy” the white man was acting or his criminal history. 

plenty of people

Africa has 54 countries. It’s 30 million square kilometers versus the United States’ nine million square kilometers. Alexandria, Egypt to Johannesburg, South Africa is 5300 miles or a ten hour flight, not including connections.

I don’t know, and it’s part of my plan to not know.

I mean, in a way he’s not wrong. I personally would love it if more men in this country acted like Jesus - respecting women, discouraging violence, openly weeping when they’re sad, and standing up for marginalized people - but that ain’t what these people mean when they say read the Bible.

I feel like there is an amendment to the Constitution specifically for this sort of situation. One of the real low numbered ones. One that her new party super-duper loves. Maybe Democrats should start looking into that.

He would have been such a good father, right? He’s probably a lot like you. A nothing, worthless, little boy who can’t make anyone happy. You’re not good at anything. Your family hates you. Everyone is so repelled by you that you’ll never know the love of another human being. We all know it would be better if you

So very many red flags.

Cue the Weird Al!

Pastor John Raymond of Slidell, La., testified against the bill”

I just consider it an admission of guilt by whoever throws it out at this point.

I know you just get your rocks off being a stupid, racist troll to own the libs, but at least you admit that the 2nd Amendment isn’t absolute. If you’re fine with disarming black people, then it’s not much of a stretch to extend that to all people.

Tell me you’re Klan Trash without telling me.

Sit down, the #1 killer of children now is guns by a wide margin. And the car accident defense is as hollow as the “good guy w/ a gun” argument considering you actually have to be licensed and registered to own a car on top of all the safety standards implemented over the last few decades. There’s still no good guy w/

Correct, he was being stalked by an armed man and justifiably felt in danger of physical harm, so he exercised his right to use force to defend himself.  

You’re a real bummer and it’s starting to affect my sex life. Anytime I’m laying pipe in your dad he always says something like, “I’m really worried about Sam, maybe you can talk to him.” I get it, you’re an embarrassment to your family and everyone you’ve ever met, but maybe it’s time to just end the whole thing. You

We do advocate for stricter traffic laws. Seatbelt usage, air bags, backup cameras, speed limits, standardized highway design, crash test safety standards all things enacted to curb behavior and and decrease death and injury via car accidents. One don’t need to advocate loudly for these changes as changes occur in