You know they can always restart the Expanse....oh wait diverse cast, messages about corporate greed, real science...
You know they can always restart the Expanse....oh wait diverse cast, messages about corporate greed, real science...
“it was my fault for trying to grab your phone,”
My girlfriend and I wanted to play this, but we’re on the fence about getting Japanese citizens pregnant. We have a lot on our plate already.
Give more men in games skirts and let’s make this perviness properly equal opportunity, thank you very much. Make skirts gender neutral.
How will instructors teach about grammar and punctuation if they cannot discuss periods?
And 2008 was the result of repealing Glass-Steagall, which was passed to prohibit banks from doing the kind of activities that lead to the crash of ‘29.
Nope. The issues with the banks right now is that in 2018 Congress rolled back some of the regs that were passed in response to the 2008 bank failures. This was passed to prohibit banks from doing the kind of activities that led to the failure.
Relevant Miyazaki quote from 1988.
repub 1: Let me tell you about this woman I know. High school drop out. 4 kids. Lives off the government dollar. Spouse spent time in jail. One of her 4 just got his girlfriend pregnant at age 17.
“There can’t be a genocide,” he said on his show last week, because “it’s not a legitimate category of being. They’re laboring under a delusion. And so we need to correct that delusion.”
i suppose we could start saying the same thing about right-wing, christo-facist conservatives too then?
“When his sister got pregnant at 17, she went to live at an anti-abortion maternity home until she gave birth and put the baby up for adoption.”
Dude, he just wrote the article, don’t shoot the messenger.
Rom-coms were never good.
OK but where’s the nubis
> The shade was pretty obvious,
Then it ain’t shade. Bring back shade court and the Honorable Judge Kara Brown.
Goddammit, so now when my family asks me if I’m having children and I say “Over my dead body”, it’s STILL going to give them hope?!