
Rats have natural predators.... let’s try that [googles “rat predator”]... so, we just need to drop several thousand foxes, weasels, and medium-large snakes into NYC and let them do their thing. Seems like a fool-proof plan.

Considering who her father is, all suitors would be bland to her.

Me in 1994: Wow, pretty messed up this Empire in Final Fantasy massacred a village of innocents so they could torture minors to extract magic from them.

That dude is trying his damnedest not to go full on Dr. Strangelove with his speech.

Cawthorn, in every picture I’ve seen of him, is immaculately groomed. He always looks like its been less than a week since his last haircut and he doesn’t have a hair out of place. His shirts, suits, trousers are tailored and fit him to perfection, down to the cuffs. His shoes look great, and even his hands look

Wow amazing to see all these comments saying “yes, communism is the best, but...” series of anti communist rhetoric propagated from capitalists and Nazis.

If you do it right, your fans will flock to your defense on the internet, claiming that the game is totally playable, since all they really wanted was an incomplete beta. 

Poor, naive Mr. Roberts... Cancel the Kickstarter? Non, non cher monsieur. You complete the kickstarter, then move the pledge system to a private platform. Make roadmaps which show playable monster parts and expanded in-gut universes, “procedurally generated, yet hand-crafted”. Sell Meat Armors and Skinwagons (that

Cis male tampon user here:  they're perfect for nosebleeds.

So, let’s break this down...fully clothed children in non sexual poses holding stuffed animals in leather gear, (also not neccessarily sexual) are an outrage, but dead school children in classrooms get thoughts and prayers. 

What’s particularly sick about Letitia’s stance in the context of Chadwick Boseman is that people undergoing chemo or radiation treatment for cancer, and cancer survivors are some of the commonest people to be suffering from immuno-deficiency - often for years after treatment, sometimes permanently - and thus they’re

Hey Letitia, your antivax stance helped influence people’s decision to not get protection, and many literally died because of it. Your apology didn’t’ retract any of these views and amounted to yet another case of, “I’m sorry if you were offended” which everyone knows is total bullshit. Maybe if you don’t want to get

Letitia may have apologized for her anti-vax comments but she never came out “pro” vaccine and is still not vaccinated.

The virus has already proven time and time again that it doesn't care what anyone believes.

Every accusation is a confession with these assholes 

“I thought you didn’t send pretty girls to prison?”

The rhythm method is great.

He should join Congress, then doing that would be perfectly ok.

“genders in the biological sense”