I remember having to hunt around for a copy of the original SNES Ogre Battle when it was new and having to pay a significant markup just because it was rare.
I remember having to hunt around for a copy of the original SNES Ogre Battle when it was new and having to pay a significant markup just because it was rare.
“But a website that millions rely on for credible information is untenable under these conditions.”
It’s almost like everyone should entirely quit using this piece-of-shit app and NOT give money to a sociopath who wants the world to burn.
I don’t think I’ve ever read a sentence that neatly summarizes the white suburban American mindset as this one. Trapped in their own homes, constantly spying on the neighbor next door, always miserable despite having everything going their way.
regardless of Lawshe’s intentions, the incident was “still racism,” and “this was not a mistake.”
Get chickens. At least one in the brood will be such an unhinged asshole, you’ll never want to own another bird and lose all guilt about eating chicken. I’ve started to think that the first time a human killed a chicken, the chicken started that fight.
No, get a cassowary instead.
My first job was at a horse barn, cleaning stalls. There was an emu farm several miles away. One day an emu showed up in one of the pastures and refused to leave. We called the emu farm and they denied all knowledge of an escaped emu. If they were lying I think they made the right decision. That bird was not…
Apartheid emerald mine and buying up companies he didn’t create.
He slithered his way out of various tubes attached to colonization beneficiaries.
so now the woke mob is trying to cancel slavery smdh
“Taking responsibility” would be selling a couple billion of your stock and using that money to pay your employees.
A sarcastic pat on the back is still a pat on the back. I’ll take it!
““I got this wrong, and I take responsibility for that.””
No, Mark, you are making 11,000 other people take responsibility for that. You are taking no responsibility.
Originally released in 2020 in a notoriously bug-ridden and barely-playable state...
A message to the public: If you see this fugitive, no you didn’t.
While still disappointing, I don’t find it very surprising that a developer from a country in which 98% of the population share the same ethnicity and culture struggles to grasp the depht and importance of representation issues.
Hell yeah! Let’s promote this right-wing, fascist recruitment tool! But it’s anime characters!