The Cynic

Im glad Fangio's kidney stones made headlines since that's the best passing the Broncos will see all year. 

Let’s Rebrand The Clippers

Somewhere, Jon Gruden is scribbling ideas into his playbook...

Did you ever try to line up against Champ, point across the field and yell, “HEY, WHAT’S THAT??? just before the snap?

As a Giants fan I thank the heavens for the Buffalo Bills. Because that’s the only franchise that I can picture taking Dave Gettelman off of the Mara families hands in a few years. 

It gives me no pride to say that we are the Bills fans of the south. Even London doesn’t like us. Imagine a culture that enslaved most of the known world, eats cold beans for breakfast, and can’t even properly execute its own political and economic suicide pact thinking that they are too good for your 90s

Now playing

If a WYTS Jaguars’ edition ever goes by and I don’t post this, assume I’m dead:

Buying at the deadline five games under .500 to pwn the libs

Are you one of those super serious types who finds it offensive when fans use “we” when talking about their teams, because it’s god forbid, fun?

To expand on that, there’s a difference between being a fan of a team and being a fan of the NFL and/or the general sport of US football when it comes to media consumption. I’m a fan of a team, and unless I’m reading about MY TEAM, I still only see the 3 headlines you mentioned. And since I live out of market, I don’t

Thanks for the reply.

It’s high time Ben Roethlisberger finally retired to spend all day bitching at his caddie, so that Jameis can formally take over as the creepiest shitbag QB in football.

papyrus has an extensive history with gothenburg death metal and i will not allow the bucs sully its proud and brutal history

I was there when it started in 1976. The Go-For-0 years. When it was fun and funny that they sucked so bad. I can (and have) put up with a lot of shit, both from the Culverhouse years and the Glazer’s. It is not ironic that the original Glazer wealth came from running trailer parks. But when they chose Jameis Winston,

if you told me that this was a fictional team created for the purposes of a movie, a la the ridiculous teams from “Any Given Sunday,” I would not question it for one second.

My parents moved to Tampa when I was in college in Iowa, so, not having a team, I shrugged and adopted the Bucs. At the time I didn’t watch football and it was pre-internet, so they were just a team that showed up on TV a few times a year because we were in NFC Central territory, and they tended to rotate between

The Bucs suck so blandly they aren’t even the worst run pirate-themed NFL team to have hired Jon Gruden.

“Also, the Lightning choked.”


This ad legit confused me for a second...