The Cynic

Yeah man, if the only thing that comes out of this is that a few racists resign and a bunch of other ones shut the fuck up once in a while, it’s still pretty solid. Who would’ve thought Sasha Baron Cohen would be doing more good for the US than Congress in 2018?

They were not portrayed as anything.

Every single case these officers were involved with need to be re-examined. If I was a defendant or a defense attorney involved in a conviction based on evidence from/testimony by any of these officers I would absolutely demand it.

The police officers were not only more than happy to comply, the fucking mayor thinks its disturbing that people blame the police here. Law and order as we know it is being thrown out the window and a depressingly small number of people care at all.

These police officers should be charged with conspiracy. At the very least they should be fired. Police staging a phony sting to arrest a sex worker plying her trade legally because of a petty grievance is not only a waste of tax dollars, it shows where they stand ethically.

I wish I could say I was surprised to see th

Stunning News!!! /s

It never ceases to amaze me how every time Bill Belichick opens his mouth, he reveals himself to just be such an enormous asshole.

I feel the Saints victory was kind of a more universal feel-good thing.

As long as it annoys him, I’m happy.

I will see the Pats and their MAGA-stan/labradoodle QB knocked down a peg at any price.

You really want unprofessional, just imagine what that ATC was saying, off mic, to his coworkers about all this. Almost guarantee it started with, “This fuckin’ guy,” and ended in an uninterrupted 20 minute stream of profanity any dockworker would be proud of.

Yeah, this is a tough one. The pilot has absolute decision making over “what is safe”... and the ATC dude has to play Tetris all day long with blocks of aluminum. And, usually the blocks of aluminum just do as told.

Meh, sounded way to normal.

Not a Trump supporter at all, but if verbally fellating Putin onstage didn’t do it, nothing will. These are the same people who exalt Reagan for “winning the Cold War” yet do not recognize the cognitive dissonance of Trump cozying up to North Korea and Russia.

I quit watching several years ago and when someone who remembered me as a football fan starts talking about the NFL i just sort of let them ramble without offering much in the way of reciprocation. Most people just want to tell you why they know more than you anyway so I find it just runs its course and you can change

I heard Obama speak in an interview the other day and I thought- holy shit complete sentences!?

I hear you but fuck that WE shit.

The most impressive thing to me is the passive incompetence. Everyone hears the incompetence that comes out of his mouth every day, but there is so much of that we never hear about the passive incompetence like how he has allowed so many State Department foreign positions to go unfilled. This has allowed China

He’s also 72 years old and still has not learned how to properly wear a tie. This man is representing America on the global stage dressed like a 7 year old trying to ‘dress grownup’ on Halloween

So there are many many layers to how shitty the Trump presidency. There’s the racism and misogyny and bigotry. There’s the damaging policies. There’s the straight up cruelty. There’s the incompetence. There’s the lies. There’s the constant attempts to undermine the institutions designed to stop the country from