
Ventilated seats.  Very few cars have them and I’ve wanted to keep my back from getting sweaty way more often then I’ve needed to keep it warm.

I saw this reposted to Jalopnik and was fairly confused for a moment then realized it must’ve come from another site.  Stick shift.  I drive a car with a manual transmission.  I need my left foot to drive.

Like the soft tops aren’t leaky as fuck.

Sunroofs suck. 

Its a Volvo so there’s no way that windshield was ever staying sealed anyway. 

Except that’s not at all how it works because modern cars are built to dissipate that energy. You’re also talking about two cars both from 15 years ago. I’d rather be in the ~2015 Civic than the 2000 Explorer any day in that collision. 

Lol that’s a positive experience???

It was $1800 and it’s, I assume, not your daily?  If it’s not your daily and you have the space just fix things one at a time, yourself, when you have time.

Driver mod. I was amazed after tracking my car so frequently how I had finally managed to slowly mod out the understeer completely with the changes I made to the setup. Then I realized I hadn’t changed anything physical on the car.

It’s in stop and go traffic so you’re not really passing much of anything.  Air goes to recirc and stays there the minute you end up in truck territory.  Its worse if I happen to be driving my Miata.  

Given that my daily commute is on a major trucking route, in traffic, and goes through an area where they exit a major US port onto a freeway, several times a week.

The glider trucks pollute so badly that I have to close my vents when I’m next to one on the highway. It’s fucking gross. And you can immediately tell.  Allowing more of them and other stupid ass Trump EPA policies ARE worth getting our panties in a knot about.  

Yeaaaah but in order for a joke to be funny it has to have a construction that at least in some way ties it to reality. We have to agree on some degree of a common understanding of the way the world works in order to generate humor by subverting it. So I guess what I’m saying is: Dude. Relax. I know you’re joking.

My manual GTI uses a lot less than an automatic Hyundai Santa Fe to move the same number of people. 

They use barely more fuel.  

Wait why are we hating on the Senna?  I think it looks awesome, like a hotwheels car come to life.  It’s got an almost retro 90s feel which is perfect for the name.  Anyway, I love the look of this car. 

iDX is never reaching production.

Yeah I think an NE Miata by 2022 is a bit optimistic though.  We’ll see the ND till the mid 2020s if we even get another one.

Yeah, but he’s wrong.

I read the review in print. It was enough for me to switch opinions back to the Model 3 being a good car and a good choice for someone I know who has the money and only wants something electric. Are there better cars out there for the money?  Oh yes, much better.  Better electric cars?  Probably not. At least not yet.