Doesn’t look like it, but there is a $300 snorkel kit that you can see on the back in the video.
Doesn’t look like it, but there is a $300 snorkel kit that you can see on the back in the video.
Lol “You can’t drive this new car because it’s already broken”
Here’s why (even though I do think that $10k premium is a bit ridiculous):
It’s highly likely that he mixed vodka with his koolaid.
+1. This guy was drinking the Tesla koolaid and bought into what they were selling him.
I blame Tesla for calling something “Autopilot” when it is in fact, just adaptive cruise control that keeps you centered in the selected lane.
Gorgeous car. Wouldn’t touch it with a 10 foot pole.
you sound like a fucking prick. where do you work so i dont ever buy a car from there
Your rant switches back and forth from being pissed at your employer to pissed at your customers. You probably should not be in customer service. I, too, have had similar issues with my job, and it was my clue that I am ready to move on.
Maybe get another job?? You are the one contact between the customer and the delearship. Of course you will take the heat for stuff gone wrong! It doesn’t matter if it’s your fault or not, it’s just part of the job... Blame your dealership for making your salary depend on basic surveys, but blaming the customer for…
honestly dude just stop being a wimp. these surveys are just part of corporate life. try being a tech for a very infamous cable company and are graded on “on a scale of 0-10 would your recommend Xomxast to a friend” most of the questions have nothing to do with who’s grade it affects it is all about shifting the…
Come on now. You lost me on number 1. You are my service advisor. You are my point of contact to fix the problem. I’m not talking to the truck I’m talking to you. Really... you tell me there is nothing you can do if the tech screws up the fix? Bullsquirt. I’m relying on you to manage the process. I’ve had good and bad…
So, what does cause that Skittles noise?
There is likely to be a re-cut of this soon with more of the historic footage.
There is approximately 0% chance they go from offering one engine at a time for the last ten years to suddenly offering 6 engine options.
I think Trump should be jailed for this. This is really outrageous behavior.
I still like these things in principle, but I’m bummed they’re not actually modern CRX HFs.
The cars optimized to do one thing and one thing only. To be honest this is a breath of fresh air compared to alot of auto manufactures that try to make a car with the mentality to do all things well, but make a marginal car at best. I’m talking to you Fwd small->medium sized SUVs that do nothing well.
An ice cube will not make a burger moist. An ice cube will make a burger wet. Wet, and flavourless. You need fat because fat gives you moisture and flavour.
Lets be honest... I don’t blame the locked 4x4 on 35's with 450hp for getting stuck and sunk in a residential back yard. Thats 100% driver error.