
You obviously don’t have much experience in labor & delivery.

Why don’t they give it a proper large tank for overlanding and avoiding gas stations/plebes.

Utah you say? How many wives will comfortably fit? 3 or 5? this is important.

So judging by that really confusing diagram the device using magic allows air to pass through solid materials into the turbocharger.

my thoughts exactly, that suv merged, signalled into the middle lane, and then signalled to the left lane, that cop could have, but didn’t want to let him in, and was pissed off that the suv added 5 seconds to his trip back to the station.

Honestly I don’t see what the white Sequoia did wrong; it appears to be stop and go traffic, it also appears there is a left exit or split coming up (watch till the end), the Sequoia signals to move into the lane, there was a white accord directly behind the Sequoia therefore if the Sequoia slows they’re slowing

Obviously you’re not a golfer.

Totes get that, but watching the video doesn’t make me think “zOMG people were in danger!” Not at all.

Airliner shadows routinely pass over my house, should I be worried?

I have had airplane shadows pass over me, I don’t file an FAA complaint about it.

I totally understand, and understand the need for a substantially higher margin of safety here, but it still doesn’t seem like it was that close or that dangerous.

The sun moves in the least I think. Trump probably has an executive order on that one.

I don’t know, doesn’t look that close.

Exxon poetry still worse.

How can someone have THAT money and THOSE teeth?

Sounds like solicitation of treason.

Well, you guys have officially tipped your hat. No more journalism here, just pure politics. I’ll get my gadget news elsewhere.

Why not just NOT have fake tips not attached to the pipes?

At first I thought it was a well-flown drone following the action...

Depends on how many tires.