Frankly he isn’t even “proper” white I’m afraid. In Poland he looks “arab” enough to be beaten up by Nazis.
Frankly he isn’t even “proper” white I’m afraid. In Poland he looks “arab” enough to be beaten up by Nazis.
I agree with Pray4Mojo 100%. Kotaku can critize them for all they want, but in the end its the developers decision. And the issue with Tarkov isn’t missing female avatars.
It’s a brutally hard and unfair game, by design choices, its supposed to be “the most hardcore shooter ever” and it succeeds at that. Part of that…
I don’t understand the excitement about this. Senate will dismiss the charges the moment they are presented. He will campaign as normal and will be re-elected in 2020 and maybe in 2024 and 2028 depending on his health. Or he will handover the office to Ivanka prior to that. All is going to plan, this changes nothing.
I’m sorry, than you simply need to find a better job. Economy is booming, if you have some marketable skills you can afford this car. if you can’t afford an entry level car like this, who you gonna afford ... dunno... some basic healthcare?
I think this movie will finally give us the right to KOS any suspected Antifa supporter.
The Audi A4 STW / BTCC (B5 generation) is to this day one of the best looking GT race cars.
Biffa is a treasure. I learned more watching his videos than in my many hours in game prior. Frankly he is the reason i reinstalled Cities and bought a few more extensions and got stuck in again. My old Cities start to WORK now, its fantastic.
The first half of this nightmare will either end when President Trump dies and Ivanka inherits the Presidency for the remainder of her natural life or President Trump names her his successor after two terms in 2024. God Bless America.
NASCAR is endurance racing. I’d argue that in many aspects in its traditional format it is more pure as endurance racing than many other endurance series over the years. The stages and playoffs destroy that completely.
Most long term, core NASCAR fans dislike it. It is pandering to the ballsport crowd, but they very…
Seconded. I’ve been a Harrismonkey fan for years and I’m delighted to have him on Top Gear (although i begrudge that he had to neglect his YT channel due to that).
I’ll miss Matt, he and Chris really started to click and I prefer them to Clarkson and Hammond by a country mile.
They should have gone Supersonic for a moment. Fastest convertible ever! All joking aside, testament to the quality of the pilots and the plane that all made it back safely. You can basically hear how they snap out of the initial shock and just switch to full on professional mode. Well Done.
Cease and Desist order coming in 3 .... 2....... 1 ........
Yeah I miss George W. Bush too. It’s weird seeing him as a capable POTUS for me as a democrat. But I’d take him over Trump in a minute.
At first glance i thought it was Benjamin Cucumberwater. On SECOND glance i actually toughtthat it was PIERCE BROSNAN! I’m dead serious.
Thank you for saving me hearing!
At its core NASCAR IS enduracne racing.
The Tsla Model S station Wagon from Qwest in Norfolk looks not only nicer but more practical as well. It’s even more aerodynamic and lighter than the Sedan as well. It’s a masterpiece. This is just someone jumping the bandwagon.
I already miss Danica. She is competetive to a fault, never settling. While many view this as her biggest shortcoming, I always loved this quality about her. She might not be the best or most spectacular driver in the sport, but she always had the most fight in her and never dialed back. Thanks for many great years…
Finally someone spells out my gripes with the ergonomics (or lack thereof) in the Model 3. This design decision (or cost saving decision rather) is the big elephant in the room with the Model 3 and its ultimate downfall.