Houses generally aren’t assets. When you add up the total cost of ownership, including closing costs, insurance, property taxes, and maintenance, I’d be shocked if most sellers come out ahead.
Houses generally aren’t assets. When you add up the total cost of ownership, including closing costs, insurance, property taxes, and maintenance, I’d be shocked if most sellers come out ahead.
A home can be an investment but no one, repeat, no one who knows how money works calls a 30 year mortgage with compound interest an investment.
Mr. Embiid, welcome to Canada! Please accept this lovely hand-made blanket as a token of our appreciation.
Orioles fan experienced embarrassment, elation, denial, and resignation after becoming Orioles fan.
The ferris bueller sequel we never wanted.
The worst part of this experience is that there’s now incontrovertible video proof that he attended an O’s game.
It is when “...while adding aero ducts, larger spoilers and larger splitters to increase drag and offset the added power. “
Kerr prefers classic rock. Bands like CSN, The Doobie Brothers; Chicago especially. His favorite song is the one that goes ‘25 or 3 to 1'.
... they moved from one restrictor to a slightly-less-restrictive restrictor for a subset of their races.
I also heard it only flies to the left.
Honestly I wasn’t but wasn’t the whole thing with Lost that the viewers were all wrong and the showrunners never had a plot to begin with?
Bran could go out Breaking Bad style. Ding ding ding ding ding
His name is Greyworm not Tyrone. JFC
Yeah it was definitely so they could blame the user for parking it poorly, but think about the effort needed from complaint to charging a fee. I wonder if that number has even reached 1000$ yet. Also its a bad idea to get mad at your customers, so repeat offenders it makes sense to remove, but if I could be worth more…
He totally gleamed that other dude’s cube.
The Fast and the Fuhrerious
Jie “Jack” Zhaois also a contract bridge World Bridge Federation Grand Master.
OK....shot....full reveal that will make me seem like a bigger asshole than I actually am. I’ve played maybe 100 rounds with a professional golfer who is presently ranked as 1 of the top 5 golfers in the world. Said professional played with Cadet Bone Spurs when he was invited to do so recently. 2 things stuck out…
But it doesn’t come with mirrors.