
There’s something that is deeply sad and relatable about how badly he craves for his father to just acknowledge him, tell him that he’s done a good job, that he’s proud of him.  Everything he posts is such an obvious attempt to look like he’s more manly and important, but is so clearly done in the hopes that Donald

  • If you have small children with you, protect them by picking them up so they won’t panic and run.

Im also curious what is so fucking horrible about fairness?

Racism is a hell of a drug.

Hey now, let’s lay off of grown ass men with backpacks and focus on the main story here. Not that I’m a grown ass man with a backpack. I’m just saying.

That's literally the only explanation because in the end, $750k isn't exactly fuck your life away money. Even as a nest egg that's not going to let you live lavishly, especially without support from your mom. 

That’s what they get for trusting someone named “Georgie Businsessman”

It’s missing the block warmer cord hanging from under the hood, which is the ultimate polar vortex accessory

Right. I also never said “hot,” I said “attractive.” He was conventionally attractive by 70s standards and by most American standards - hence why Zac Efron is playing him and looking the part.

Leaving aside what you found boring, I’m starting to get frustrated with the “stop saying serial killers are charming and attractive” critique popping up around this docuseries. Never has a critique been more incorrectly lobbed.

Yep, Aces took all the good ones...

The caddy was obviously trying to improve his Li.

A lot of the rules modernization has been focused on the player using his or her own skill to execute shots - this includes lining up his or her shot/line of play. The problem they really were trying to fix was LPGA caddies standing behind the players and lining them up all over the golf course.

I think the demand for lifted off-road muscle cars with no body panels is going to increase markedly in the next few years. Ones with rusty spikes and psychos in the trunks firing harpoon guns will command an additional premium

I’m pretty sure being abuzz is a misdemeanor in Utah.

That’s not an error; if you think about what diffusing and defusing are as actual physical actions you should see why.

We would have gotten details of the weed they snuck with them on the trip.

It definitely seems as though if there’s one thing that all white Americans can agree on it’s that Martin Luther King said some vaguely inspirational things that weren’t critical of anyone.

I have no problem with that. John Wick is the God of Death and he will snatch your soul right out of your body, whether he is on horseback, on foot or driving a ‘72 rusted out Gremlin.