
“Read my lips” - Boban

He probably insulted Wick earlier and now he’s got to

Funny, that’s how the old East German Women’s Team did it too.

I never get picked for anything.......

It’s these type of bullshit comments that really chafe my nuts.

He died doing what he loved.  Torturing animals.

Well good news Lakers fans, you can all still eat shit

This is far better than that “Win a National Championship Get Free Big Macs” promo.

(While I’m fully on board with free public university tuition, I don’t think that Ohashi, who receives a full-ride athletic scholarship to UCLA, is exactly making that case.)

She’s the human version of a vuvuzela.

Every venue that has ever hosted a live sporting event is filled with drunken, profane, loudly belligerent men, but here we have a woman who’s distinguished herself cheering the actual game action singled out and silenced.

What an actual desert crossing drug smuggling truck looks like: something shitty that won’t attract attention...

Now that is a wedding crasher.

Except for now the record is held by Terrell Suggs

I miss old school football like this.  Today’s NFL is filled with pussies

Is heel kicking someone in the head when you miss your spear really a failure?

That photo is amazing.

Here is a wild guess of which I have no proof other than my low regard for the NCAA.

They don’t think Durkin’s management style is that bad even if it killed player. In fact, most coaches have probably convinced themselves it wasn’t Durkin’s fault but those of his staff. (NCAA Football coaches can not fail, they can

I like the MC, particular at the end when he’s like “you know you coulda . . . ah fuck it, whatever, it’s over.”