
Sure. You can even give a shift.

“We will stop this tournament right now! We are adults, and this is ridiculous. It is a cornhole tournament fundraiser.”

Björnsson is expected to be surpassed in the near future by his “little” brother, Fullþór.

We’re still paying extra for it. It’s just included in the base price of the vehicle now.

floor-tall point guard who sucks? I thought they traded Isaiah Thomas.

Maybe we’re reading too much into this, and the simple answer is the correct answer: the Browns don’t know what the fuck they’re doing and this is further evidence of it.

Actually they did not profit, MoviePass that is... H&M are not VC’s and it shows in how they went about acquiring MoviePass. They initially purchased 51% stake of the MoviePass giving them control and they then brought on board Mitch Lowe. H&M were attracted by the backside of MoviePass, the data collection aspect

take it somewhere else you disgusting perv

Next week Nancy and Sluggo eat Tide Pods.

I teared up like 3 times during my first sitting with the movie yesterday. Fucking brilliant.

When people say they hate this movie it triggers my fascination with subjectivity. I just have to know more. Because so often people like ‘crap’ and disdain ‘great art,’ and usually the reasons are very simply that the viewer was in the wrong place at the wrong time, or the film espouses values that don’t fit their

As a non-American, I want to say this: Prior to 2017, I had always thought that America was a nation of kind, compassionate people blotted sparsely with the ugliness that invariably exists in any large group of people.

As my friend in Texas would say..........there was tar on the tars.

That’s still a step up from scrapple.

For her sake I hope it was a sports bra.

I know a lot will disagree with me, but she should have passed them to him instead of trying to run them back.

So they’re taking Nic Cages face off and putting it onto another actor’s... They should make a movie about this.

Can they do this with Christopher Plummer and call it Liquid Plummer?