
“I learned to read!”

I have a Toyota and I am doing heroin while hang gliding to my favorite underground fight club where I am going to put my gerbil Mephistopheles into the pit against an undefeated hamster named Patton Montgomery in a fight to the death. After that I am going to do some unprotected swinging.

Fucking Nnnnnn Peppermint Roll

I bet they pulled up in Drive and didn’t put it in park; as soon as the brake lights go off it’s moving. Then when they figured out they couldn’t work the machine, they tried to get out, forgetting it wasn’t in park. They then let go of the brake when opening the door, the car starts to move and then you get a panic

So what? Plenty of Poles end with a ‘ski.

Michelangelo’s Last Supper but in Sandusky Ohio and bratwurst was used to illustrate the mystery of transubstantiation.

Sir, you taste of America.

Curious as to what goofball in the social media department that thought mixing the on board audio into some of the clips rather than the ambient audio from the camera it was taken from was a good idea. The list kinda missed out on some gems too. Linsey Weenk cartwheeled his truck in qualifying in spectacular fashion


Carter the Bank Examiner needs to be higher because that dude straight ignored fiscal laws because people loved George. Like, just because George can produce the money lost by motherfucking Uncle Billy (yes, THE WORST) doesn’t mean that there wasn’t a potential crime committed that needed to be investigated. Dude was

. . . but if I want a feelgood holiday classic . . .

Pottersville residents, ranked:

Me too. It had a theme regarding love and forgiveness in the wake of abuse that really moved me. It was weird because people criticized it for too many jokes, when Thor annoyed me by having just that problem. I felt like the movie was afraid to allow the characters to ever breath or be vulnerable. I had a lot of fun

I enjoyed GotG2 much more.

He was sucked into the game because of something he did as 12 year old. He wanted out as soon as possible and supposedly WAS out before he was brought back in because of threats to people he loved.

It’s an Edgar Wright film. As far as I’m concerned most of the work he has put out has been full of passion and a unique flavor to it.

The Holdo Maneuver might be my favorite action scene from any action movie, ever. I still can’t believe it happened.

Oh, no, not the guy from The Emoji Movie!

This is one of the better and more well thought out responses to the film that I have read. That is both the problem and what I loved about the movie. You HAVE to be able to view films like you do, you have to be able to see the meta above the film, to understand the meaning behind every action, to be able to read