
I have a strong suspicion that some of the larger suppliers run near constant price sensitivity studies. I work in retail, this is a real thing, larger retailers do this ALL THE TIME and are quite sophisticated about it. They likely discovered three things:

Still further evidence that babies are stupid.

Seconded. Valerian’s opener is so hopeful and optimistic. The fact that it starts out with ‘actual’ footage was what got a lump in my throat to begin with. It still stands out as one of the best moments of the year, much less totally beats out the market scene.

It is heartwarming - I’ve been hoping humanity doesn’t have to go through another dark ages before an enlightened future can be attained.

i feel like the opening scene of Valerian And The City Of A Thousand Planets should’ve gotten a mention maybe. considering the current climate i am a sucker for hopeful science-fiction (also the reason i enjoyed wonder woman so much) and i thought they really pulled it off well, showing the different nations with

Begbey seeing Renton, over the top of a toilet cubicle- Trainspotting 2

im gonna go with the relationship montage in a ghost story. the fact that everything was covered, from banal conversations, to arguments, to sleeping together, just made it that much more powerful. i dunno if i’m ever gonna watch that movie again, because fuck casey affleck, but that sequence kinda shook me to my core.

But win the presidency.

Here I go, writing a comment about a blog post about a Twitter account about other Twitter accounts talking about a magazine story.

That graphics kit. Love it.

There are 53 dead people rotting in front of their TVs right now, and all Netflix can think to do is make fun of them. 

Oh my god, the back button. I wasn’t fully buying in to the ‘shitty interface’ until you mentioned that ultra-frustrating piece.

They daren’t. A Voltron with the highest threshold of pain known to mankind would being fucking unstoppable.

As one of about 5 Google Play Music subscribers in existence, I wish they’d just take what’s a very useful idea (being able to mix their library with your own from anywhere with a network connection), and fix the interface the hell up.
They could already have a serious competitor to Spotify on their hands, but they

“Hey Jimi! It’s your cousin, Marvin. Marvin Hendrix. Remember that new sound you were looking for? Well listen to this!”

More importantly, when did the girl from The Ring become a ref?

Asked and answered.

Ate the W. Proves he elite anything