
I wasn't very accurate in my description.

Enthusiam, curbed.

Yes, investors get a share of his future earnings. That's the point. If he goes on TV as an analyst, you get a part of that. If he plays himself in a movie, you get a part of that. If he sells Mountain Dew based on his name made in football, you get a part of that.

The ones with "mouse over" are nice, but these static ones are incredibly more informative just by adding "double", "walk", "K", "whatever" under each player's name.

You're evil.

Not the way I heard it. . .

I guess you could say the assailant stopped short of robbing her.

Watching some of the Simmons-Rose pre-season previews from the Grantland studio makes me wish they'd do exactly that. They sit back in leather chairs and look like they dressed themselves. Bring in one "real" analyst with the right tone, and it would be a great show.

You do get, however, that saying a "cause and effect relationship has not as yet been demonstrated between CTE and concussions" doesn't mean that it doesn't exist?


Right, because in 1993 everyone thought SNL was funny. They certainly weren't comparing that cast to Murray, Belushi, and Murphy.

Read "The Sports Gene".

That looks like Andew Bynum walking into a Barnes & Nobles with his dog, but he's really moon walking out of it. . .and he stole that dog.

I'm looking forward to the Barkevious Boom of '31.

Invisible dick.

You get a hit like that and start to forget things, like Zelmo Beaty.

Duct tape is the Lord of Light.

I never believed Karate Kid — or his girlfriend — would have been that excited about this car. . .

. . .just came up in I.E. Looks fine.