
So, Saul Bloom from Oceans 13 is the bad guy, and Ethan Hawke slams — SLAMS, I TELL YA — that automatic into drive 3 times every 2 minutes.

Ah, yes. . .the great bandwagon jump of 2007. She must have been up to her daddy's knee at that point.

Brown Chips

Couldn't watch vid? What happened with the Canadian. . .did she put an extra "A" in it?

Have you read "The Center Holds" and did you like it? I'm on the fence about reading it and your opinion definitely carries enough weight to shove me one way or the other.

He spends a lot of time on the internet. I love him for that.


If I take this job, will you let me buzz the tower? Otherwise. . .NO DEAL AIRFORCE!!!

MacaroniInventedTheRadio > Tebow

What reason?

If the shirt don't fit, you must acquit.

"It didn't help that their signature stars never fit into a culture that rewarded cool commercials, YouTube clips and self-created nicknames."

Your link to "electronic throttle control" leads back to this same page.

I thought his other block on Hill was even better.

Most won't get it, but funny.

This is a team that is going at least 6 with Miami in the ECFs without Danny Granger.

Exactly. Shooting high percentage from the field and outrebounding are just symptoms of Indiana's inside dominance.

In my office at the age of 75 instead of in traffic at 43.

Well, apparently it DID bother you "one bit" because you wouldn't let him in when he flew up the shoulder illegally and tried to cut in front of you.

You should have just let him in.