I don't think flopping is as much a problem as what constitutes a blocking foul.you can have a player beat his man, drive the lane, and then have Shane Battier jump in front of him and plant his feet for a millisecond and thats offensive. But a defender moving his feet and playing tough D gets a foul called if the…
Meh. That happens when Chuck Norris plays slow pitch softball.
Well, I was in an accident once because someone pulled up next to us with a FIRE EXTINGUISHER and tried to spray it into our car.
I do that, and I always consider what would happen. It would suck.
I think this looks like it's missing two doors.
Parallelogram gas cap cover = FAST!
I like it.
But the whole point of the Gladwell article was the predator is adept at pushing the relationships inch by inch, never doing something totally incriminating, always having an out, an excuse, until he finds a kid that he's sure he can do more with. He's perfected the art of staying in the grey area. What you seem to…
I don't think it's easy. AND, I don't think it's boring to watch (not that ALex said it did, but it seems to be the general consensus here).
This is a very well-thought out theory. I second it.
Now, I wish he used a Dune Buggy.
Or a PT Cruiser.
Is that Drew Brees' sister?
Well, I hope that he still gets a 13.1 oval for his car.
The Big Lebowski...
Yeah, that happened to a "friend" of mine, too.
. . .well-loved captain of the Gas House Gang.
Apparently doesn't smell enough like a viral marketing stunt to you to NOT help virally market it.