You're old.
You're old.
You look a lot like a blond Sarah Silverman.
I love that race. I still remember that with about 20 laps left, Craven was trailing by about 4 seconds, and making up like a quarter second per lap. He caught Busch with 5 or 6 to go, and started working on him, but never really got there until where that video picks up. So, the excitement was building for a while.
How did Ron Ron get to Montreal?
We've seen him run 6-8 times in the Olympics 100m and 200m, and (almost?) every time including 4 finals, he's dialed it back at the line. I'm just saying that it seems like ONCE, on the biggest stage, he would have gone hard through the line. Especially since he's shown himself to be quite self-promotional (in a good…
And, we didn't see it in this lifetime because he's not doing it in the Olympics.
If he did it just once, it might.
Probably as simple as "window was rolled down".
I Kevin Hate when stuff like this happens.
Physiologically, it makes sense because if you're a virgin, your vagina is trying to get on that hurdle when you pass over the top of it.
Totally true. Example: I knew before the opening ceremonies that England shifted from an agrarian society to an industrial society, and yet I still enjoyed it.
Everyone at Deadspin continues to miss the point of the nightly coverage.
Can we get one article on this site that article fairly represents NBC's coverage?
This would make sense if facebook automatically made you like something and you had to click "unlike" to not like it.
Yeah, I knew exactly what you meant. And, I said "get back to me when someone mentions it". We have 20 posts going on this topic and the ONLY person who has brought up gun control (on either side) is YOU.
Right. Paranoid much?
Yeah, except the only people who have shown up to say anything about it are YOU crybabies. No one else said anything.
Who is this even in response to?
Oh, Daily Screencap is freezing video to make one thing look like another and then writing copy insinuating that the thing that isn't really happening is happening?