You’re correct. Gaming while being a parent almost always needs to be a scheduled affair (unless you’re all doing it as a family! :)
You’re correct. Gaming while being a parent almost always needs to be a scheduled affair (unless you’re all doing it as a family! :)
“Also, in my brain the right stick is my head. Want to look up? Tilt your head back.”
This, right here. I’m with you. My friends just don’t understand. If it’s not inverted it’s unplayable. The only game I ever played with an inverted X was Skate or Die. I was much better at goofy foot for some reason.
Since you just answered a long-standing question I’ve had, namely, “who the heck uses that option,” I’ll answer yours. You can invert the Y axis. You can also invert the X axis. Invert to your heart’s content.
This is exactly how it works in my brain as well. I’m glad I’m not the only one who connects Y-axis-to-head.
Oh what happened to the porn ladies...i mean the cosplayers that you guys kept posting about? I thought that was the best one. Keep flip flopping !
no. there have been at least 2 serious articles about the ‘streamers trying to make it’ lifestyle catching up with people in the last few days. playing videogames nonstop and actually not doing athletic things is KILLING people and then they call them ‘athletes’ in this article, it’s sending mixed messages at the…
Stop. They’re not athletes. Jesus Christ.
No. Like, seriously, not even close. I actually liked DA:O a lot, but after playing The Witcher 3, that game looks and plays like garbage.
Seriously, that is by far the cooler fan art of Kelsier I’ve seen. I imagined him to be a bit skinnier, but I like the artist interpretation more.
The lack of progression rewards has been one of the best parts of this game for me. I could totally see leveling up for cosmetics but stuff that actually benefits gameplay, the system we have no is pretty good. Let’s you pick and choose and grab everything you need early.
What if they are 2spoopy4me
What if they are 2spoopy4me
It would have resonated with me if they had aliens, laser swords and giant mechas and space battles.
this, plus, last year in an interview, they told us we would....why would we think any different. late last year they steamrolled us saying we wouldn’t
And there we have it. Right at the top. The passive aggressive PC elitist “the way I’m telling you is way better” judgmental cocksnot.
I like it, but since Skyrim remastered has been out, I’ve sunk 200+hrs in that and haven’t touched ESO. I’d pay $40 if they would just make Skyrim 4 person co-op.
I am just too picky. If I draw something - I keep erasing it because it doesn’t “feel right” - by the time I feel its ready the entire paper is grey from all the pencil marks which were erased over the period.
Plouffe is one of my favorite artists. His W.A.S.P. mech that he created (the yellow guy at the bottom) is some badass digital sculpting. He actually has a duo partnership with Cédric Séaut as Keos Masons and they’ve put together a lot of amazing work.
“Change can only happen if you sit at the table. ... If you’re not at the table, you can’t even ... suggest what we should be doing. Therefore, it was very important for me to take the meeting.”