They are wrong, Valeera is awesome.
They are wrong, Valeera is awesome.
Oh, fuck that. I made high Diamond in League of Legends using ONE GODDAMN CHAMPION. If I didn’t get that champion or one of the two roles in which it could be played, then I muddled through with something else, but I played it at anywhere from Gold-Platinum level of skill, which really doesn’t cut it in high Diamond.
Yes, but what is the objective criteria for determining whether someone is playing the way they are “supposed” to and how do you know if it is legitimate or just the blame game or misdirected anger?
You realize other people might disagree with you on the meta, right? And you realize that’s not a reason for you to report him and for him to get banned, right?
Hah, I was about to post my HotS analogy, but happy to see someone beat me to it.
fuck that, if they aren’t breaking the rules they aren’t doing anything wrong, even if you think it gives you less of a chance at winning.
It’s cute that you think you can dictate other people’s *completely legal and non-rule violating* ways of playing games.
Their “fun” comes at the cost of [people who take the game too seriously].
For all those a**holes who keeps telling people how to play the game.
I don’t take it snarky at all, great question! The Atheon set when I did it I had some time to myself (Juggling Work, Family Time with Wife, Kid, Dog, and the free time I get after they go to bed I use for Gaming). I did the Atheon when the kid was napping on a weekend, and you’re right, maybe an hour, less than two…
I assembled the MegaBloks Devil Walker over a few hours at work while multi-tasking (it now sits on my desk). The instructions are pretty solid and easy to follow, although the parts aren’t terribly well-organized in the box.
By comparison, I put together the Lego Star Destroyer over 5 lunch hours, and that build…
Or have the whole thing take place in Kandor! And Supes still has powers because. And can’t break the glass because. And the other Kryptonians don’t have powers because.
Cargo pants! Shut up, I’m a 44 year old computer engineer dad. I have a license. additional $400 investment into a minor upgrade for the PS4, which will run everything anyway, or $300 for an entirely new system.... Assuming you bought the PS4 near launch, that’s $800 spent on the PS4 on the console alone, discounting any $60 controllers or hard drive upgrades you may have done. Yup, sound…
Dude come on. Halo 5 is great.
“Lastly, there is a new persistent line-of-sight check”, that tells me that it’ll be running continuously. Maybe not every frame, but with some rapid regularity. So if a moving platform gets between you and the hooked target, I would expect it to break at that moment.
Didn’t you enjoy your wii u? I don’t care about the sales or Internet, I had more fun on my wii u than my ps4.
This. I said the same thing and I got accused of being a fanboy. I just don’t like the UI and the controller feels awkward.