
I’ll never understand the ‘I can’t earn everything in the game, therefor I’m being cheated’ philosophy. Exclusive rewards for timed events are fine, and it doesn’t detract from your experience by not having every fucking skin for every hero.

Halo 4 and 5 plot looks more like fanfic than a professionally written plot. Whoever wrote it tries too much to show he knows the Halo Universe, paying nods to this character, that event and, specially, that really obscure piece of lore. It is good to aknowledge those past contributions, granted, but do not just make

Here I was thinking I was some weirdo. I do the same thing! This trailer still sends chills up my spine every time I watch it.

I think they story 343 is trying to tell is interesting but their writing and storytelling is atrocious.

this i’ve played through the halo games multiple times and i can’t even begin to decipher what the hell is going on in Halo 4 and 5. Give me another Reach, please.

hahaha no.

Definitely. I played Halo 4 after being away from the franchise for a while, and spent the whole campaign totally lost on who everyone’s titles were and why in general no one was making a big deal that the Forerunners (or at least a forerunner) were suddenly still alive and want to kill everyone? They threw so many

More personal yes, but it’s too integrated with the expanded universe lore for its own good. Halo 4 & 5 are almost incomprehensible without a basic background in the novel’s and terminals.

Hot Take: 343s narrative arc is more personal, emotional and better.

Jesus is made fun of way more than any other religion’s deity. Also, Jesus isn’t white.

Jesus is depicted in all kinds of ways outside the intended religious way and Christians, for their part, largely don’t care.

To be fair though, your not really a damage based support. So a better equipped teammate ruining your low-damage shot, is probably nothing to worry about.

She seems more viable offensive than mercy, but is still probably the last one you want to use as an offensive support, when Zenyatta(who is getting a buff) and

Silly question: How is one able to actually trademark “Rio?”

I’d recommend the actual leveling and accompanying story. I’m not sure how long it takes but it’s good. The endgame will be fun for a bit probably too. I could see just about anyone getting 20-40 hours out of it.

Ya.. heaven forbid most governments in the world slash those lobster dinners or private jet flights. Maybe even the super over the top tax breaks they give companies that do not need them.

I can’t see how losing relationships and spending a regimented and heavy amount of time on the exact same activity is rewarding. I’m sure it felt like a great accomplishment at the time, and perhaps it was, but I am unable to understand how it would be worth the investment and the loss.

Life’s too fucking short, people.

You must not have gotten the memo. Any time two fictional characters attempt to kill each other they secretly want to fuck, and if one of them spares another... that’s wedding bells, son.

This is kind of my view on shipping in general.

These two characters are friendly towards one another? Totally fucking.

These two characters hate each other? Totally fucking.

These two characters have never met and could in fact never meet since they exist in two completely different forms of media? Totally fucking.
