HEY. Run The Jewels is definitely not generic....and that's the only thing its going for it. Because other than that—it looks like more Watch Dogs. Which means it looks boring.
HEY. Run The Jewels is definitely not generic....and that's the only thing its going for it. Because other than that—it looks like more Watch Dogs. Which means it looks boring.
Who cares? Go see it and decide for yourself. Film critics aren’t product testers.
I feel like a lot of commentators here are missing the indicators of why this joke was aimed entirely at making fun of himself.
Look at what the wife actually says, guys. She’s worried about his safety, she has a headache, she brings up reasonable refutations of his points, she gently tells him that they just can’t…
Oh I know all that stuff. I’m talking about first impressions. Like I said, Soldier 76 is really interesting once you get into the lore of Overwatch. But at first glance he’s easily the most forgettable of the bunch.
Merchandise Rains From Above!
Wow, thanks for sharing. I’m positive no one reading this blog had any clue that was possible. I am going to go buy a PC right now cause it sounds like voodoo magic.
God I’m so tired of how the entire Internet can’t shut up about those games.
I get addicted to RPGs like Fallout, Skyrim, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, etc., and to recent loot games like Destiny and The Division. But not Dark Souls. Dying so easily, so often, and for unknown reasons are huge turnoffs. I don’t mind a challenge — I love puzzles and trying to figure things out like in the Portal…
Having lots of fun. Wait, what the....
Got it for both mine and my wifes account. My friend though wasn’t so lucky. The game itself isn’t inherently bad, the “f2p” model is though.
I’m going to be serious and say that this is just all around an improvement.
It already has for me...
It also offers little to no protection and security that an actual career would. Note, no one is arguing the validity of streaming as a job. It can be and certainly is. But I don’t see it being comparable to actual professional careers that as you mention, cover a much wider area of things that streaming cannot and…
Against all odds, it’s an actual career path, but one that isn’t as idyllic as you might think.
People freak out when they hear the word ‘microtransactions’, ha ha. It’s like they won’t listen to a single word after hearing that.
Seriously, a lot of unnecessary hate in the comments due to a very poorly worded sentence. There is absolutely no “tactical” advantage in purchasing these crates (of which you get one a week for free and a chance at two more, per week, per character), all you get is one piece of Desolate gear per crate (and one other…
Like I get what you were going for, but I always run sith.
I’m probably going to get shit for this opinion, but some people who are trying to do Let’s Plays as a career come off as super entitled. Especially the “sucks having someone make money revenue off my video” type comments. Without the game in the first place, you wouldn’t be able to make that video. I don’t think the…