It will also help you be safe from a zombie apocalypse
It will also help you be safe from a zombie apocalypse
There there bud it's ok I understand how you feel. Just be glad you don't have a kid yet and be able to save your money. Take me for instance, +$600 per month just in daycare/preschool.
You pretty much hit it on the head. Most plants are semi-auto precision shooters that leave little room for error. But when you land those shots, you do massive damage. In contrast, a majority of the zombie classes use automatic weapons, making them a little more beginner friendly.
When the game was first out, I almost always won when playing as the zombies and almost always lost while playing as the plants - the zombies had a clear edge. Now, I feel like the plants have the edge and "win" more often in Gardens and Graveyards. I guess if you stop the zombie team 2 or 3 slots in, it's kind of a…
the peashooter's splash damage is very useful. one of the first classes i unlocked was the toxic peashooter, and that has been, by far, one of my favorite classes.
I've put about 80 or so hours into the game on XBox One and don't feel the zombies have an advantage. At first I felt they did and thought the All Star was overpowered, but after so much time into the game I see its not the case. If anything though, I consider the Pee Shooter class to be the most powerful. Just my…
I find that both classes have distinct advantages. Im always Count Chompula when im plants and his ground burrow attack is a one shot kill. You just have to use the best of both sides. Scientist Zombie is crazy OP, but its all on play style and skill.
It may have been changed in the past few weeks (haven't played) but it's very class dependent, and honestly I have felt that Plants have been OP, since they have received all the (free) DLC so far, which includes a fully upgraded plant character. Also, in gardens and graveyards, the plants have a clear advantage.
It would be better if they were say garden gnome size between 12-18". But o well I guess I'll just get some wood and try to carve it out my self.
The DK2 and all future iterations are and will be designed to work with prescription glasses as long as they aren't huge. Furthermore the DK2 includes an alternate lens that can accomodate those who are shortsighted. The CV1 will likely contain similar alternate lenses and may even have a way of adjusting the…
Pictured: Tina fey
I never got the "dudebro" thing...If XBOX = dudebro, then Playstation = weebos? Why generalize? Why can't fucking gamers be gamers without worry about a fucking image. WHHHY
I would rather play the Halobox than the LittleBigPlanetStation or QuickTimeEventStation
Stryder or GTFO. An Atlas is not a titan. It's titan food.
Depends really.
But you could probably say the same thing about a lot of big game trailers out there as well. Call of Duty, a game about war, used Eminem's "Till I Collapse" and I really can't see what connects the two together, though plenty of people will say that the song works.
Meanwhile, Bungie and Sony are advertising this game with "Sharing is Caring". Really fits the tone, I figure.
While I agree that any significant angry reaction to this would be an overreaction, you can't just ignore the September 11th part. If it weren't for that, there wouldn't have been any notice of it and the connection is very obvious with it.
This whole 1080p bullshit is getting out of hand. I have an idea how about make a game that is enjoyable to play. Is that to much to ask for? I play decade old games, and I still have fun. Graphics don't mean everything. I appreciate great graphics just as much as the next guy, but it doesn't make or break a game for…