"There is a lot more to Dark Souls than it just being "hard""
"There is a lot more to Dark Souls than it just being "hard""
Watching the trailers for MGSV makes you wonder if the spirits of Dostoyevsky, Stanley Kubrick, and Caravaggio entered Hideo Kojima's body because, using the art of gaming as his canvas, he boldly goes where no one has gone before.
I think the criticism still stands being on Kotakus front page. Maybe Luke should be a bit more wary about the quality of the content he shares to Kotaku.
If it were JUST the press conferences, I don't think Nintendo would be on top. However, E3 isn't one day long. Nintendo's Treehouse stream was the best thing to come out of E3. A constant 3-day stream demoing all the newest titles, including things not in the Digital Event, made me feel like I was actually at E3.…
Eat pancakes?
I think lot's of people (myself included) that thoroughly enjoy that silliness :)
Regarding point #1: fair enough. Looks pretty homoerotic to me but maybe I'm wrong.
this will probably shatter your childhood memories of Voltron if you don't already know, but it was one of those shows that got butchered by American localization. similar to Macross/Robotech it's actually two completely unrelated anime that were spliced together and the original plot was altered drastically to…
That's a big part of why people are confused and upset by both of Ubisoft's statements this week. The company has already made games with compelling female protagonists and characters including Beyond Good & Evil, Child of Light, and many previous Assassin's Creed titles. Far Cry 3 also had a playable female character…
The constant articles by Kotaku on this is having the opposite effect on me than one I think they desire in that Kotaku is losing my respect more than Ubisoft.
I'll give you a pro tip on how to wear cargo shorts past the age of 23.
Rainbow Road should be the coolest track, but it easily gets beat out by Electrodome.
Ah an 80's reference I totally can get behind. Were you a fan of Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors ?
It was released in the U.S. as Cratermaze for Turbo-Grafx 16 (aka. PC-Engine)
My little brother describes it as Digdug meets Bomberman.
Gameplay - bit.ly/1jEtnm8