I agree completely. They bore the hell out of me.
I agree completely. They bore the hell out of me.
Borderlands 3 should also be fun.
Man, I cannot get into these designs.
This was a hard one to write. I got a little bit sniffly putting the review box together.
I don't know, the fantasy film fad is kinda waning out, what with LotR and Harry Potter being the only true hits and everybody else not doing so hot in the box office. Hell, the Neverending Story remake ended up being a big pile of nothingness, which now that I think of is kinda funny.
I agree. I play games for the gameplay mechanics and the fun. Not a story. If i want an epic story i'll read a book or watch a movie.
As an unrelated example, what you just said is case in point of why Wind Waker was probably the last game of its generation that needed any kind of HD remake. The art style that oh-so-many people once bitched about came to be one of the most beloved of all of them, and it stood the test of time better than any other…
IMO photorealism is not a trait I want the games I play to have. I prefer them to look like fantasy. That's just my opinion. And I will just continue to buy games with less realistic art styles.
No problem, tell me where you are stuck and I'll give you a hint. ;)
Right! With Nintendo it's all about the tight level designs, but I feel some people can't see past the bright colours.
I think stealing is even more annoying. :/
You can't get warranty to fix that. Oh yeah, that was one of the things that made me whitstand the Xbox360 breaking down all the time, because they had the warranty. I ended up buying Elite model after all the times the 360 broke on me. Besides the disk drive being bit of a…
I bought Xbox360 and PS3 last gen. But I am planning on sticking to PS4 for this gen I guess. Unless something miracilous happens. :)
And if you don't buy the other consoles, you get more money to spend on games on the console you own. Plus some folks really don't have the money to buy the second console. They are…
I think it's just a better deal to buy a console you will get the exclusives AND 3rd party games together, than some console that you are going to buy just for exclusives. So that's one of the reasons why Nintendo is failing.
And not everyone wants to buy every gaming platform, mind you. Even eventualy. So they go for…
Wish it had more power, so it could have more multiplat games. Seriously, if it even had XboxOne level of power. I'd go Nintendo.
What are you people talking about? I do not understand a SINGLE WORD!!!