I was doing this 20 years ago with Wendy's Frosties, and Fries. old news lol.
French Fries and chocolate together? Never heard of it.
Hero Forge is like an RPG character creation tool. You choose a gender, choose a build, choose some armour and get…
Unlike the present day all-white wearing bikers. ;)
Slavers are pretty much my favorite video game villain. I could kill slavers all day long.
The setting doesn't even really matter. Fantasy world? Sure. Historical setting? Why not? Post-apocalyptic? Kiss your ass goodbye, Lord Humongous.
I'm not even kidding. I find that I will go out of my way to inflict misery on…
The game you are thinking of is one that is sitting right besides me, and to my shame I forgot to include.
I never had Halo for my Xbox.
Ah, Rocket Raccoon, the personification of WB's failure to understand DC comics. While WB says "We just can't figure out how to make Wonder Woman work on screen", Marvel Films says, "Hey guys, our next movie has a talking raccoon with a machine gun."
This guy didn't do anything. His possessions got destroyed, and friends of his decided to setup a means to raise money to help him out. They're spending their own time and contributing their own things to do a charity fundraiser for a friend.
Wut. Taking out Warthogs was easy: frag grenade on the ground in front of it, stick it with a plasma, hit it with a shotgun while side-stepping at the last minute, shooting it with a rocket, shooting it with a fuel rod cannon, blasting it with a pistol from a distance, or hosing it with the AR as it made passes. All…
Multiplayer balance now is very differen from the old splitscreen action. Back in the day you made your own rules, the gun is OP? No one use it. Jimmy used it? Everyone kill jimmy for the next half hour!
Gears is owned by Epic, but I'll give you the rest. ;) I really, really want another Alan Wake!
Would you watch a TV show that was just the entire Kotaku staff locked in a house for eight weeks? Cause I would.
I personally thought Mario 64 was pretty lame and think it is only lauded for its revolutionary 3D graphics for the time. Oh man, that fire level ... never did make it past that one.
Good news: the Xbox One has game demos! Bad news: they're kind of annoying to find.
I hope everyone who is getting the Xbox One enjoys it, and there isn't any major issues. :)