
Okay! Vote with your wallet and all that. Definitely don’t buy it if you don’t think it holds the right value for you.

Yeah man. While the progression system isn’t the best, I’ve found it doesn’t really matter. I actually have yet to buy a single box and still do just fine in every match. This game is tons of fun, and I hope more people decide to try it out.

But if you play on PS4 your’e stuck with that crappy controller!

Yuppers, 100% free. You can buy cosmetics if you want.

The BR mode is free right now, and it’s great fun.

What? No. That’s nonsense. It doesn’t need to be, nor should it ever be, a binary there-or-not solution.

Check out It’s a great tool if you want to find a group of like minded folks to do the raid with.

Ah. I was looking for an actual number in there. I took this sentence to be gross exaggeration because there were not actually thousands of threads and players, only a handful.

It doesn’t say 800 players where banned anywhere in the article.

Where did you get that figure from? I DO frequently visit the cesspit that is r/DTG and other forums and haven’t seen 800 complaints.

“Even if you don’t love video game collectables, you’re probably going to collect them.”

Sell ‘em online or in a garage sale (or give ‘em away), brush your hands off, moving on.

The Number trumps Uriel’s in PVE content all day. Uriel’s rules the school in Crucible. Took me awhile to realize I needed to put my Uriel’s down when I was doing PVE stuff though - helped that the number feels basically the same - but the perks on The Number are great for shooting computer guys.


I’ve never been able to get more than a couple hours into a GTA game because of the characters you play as. RDR was easy because the whole “reformed outlaw” thing is such a trope for westerns, and I love westerns. But this looks like you straight up just play a GTA-style criminal from the info they’ve shown us.

Aw man, Rockstar went their typical “you play the criminal” route? Bummer. That almost surely means I won’t play this to completion, or much at all. I struggle to play games where you’re an asshole criminal.

I stand corrected on the OXA!

Yeah man. They use their weird vex machine to see the future and prepare for the upcoming conflicts. But it drives humans insane so that’s why we have Exos.

Don’t you talk bad about my shaders. Everything about FWC’s design sense is great.

Except a lot of their world view was based on the idea that The Traveller was a dead husk and would no longer help us. But surprise! Still alive baby. And one could also argue, if we are talking about proving points, that Future War Cult is actually right and yet no one listens to them when they predicted the Red