
For what it’s worth these are all realism of existing gear. So you can pledge whatever faction for any reason and still track down that look elsewhere. Dead Orbit is EDZ gear, FWC is Nessus, and New Monarchy is more general armor that can drop from Rahool and other engrams. (Kerak, errant-knight, and philomath).

Sorry for the potato shot. I don’t have access to my X1 right now, but I took this the other day. Love the “scout” feel to this armor.

My son was born days before Dark Below hit. I still managed to do that raid and “keep up” with my friends while spending every waking minute with the little dude. The trick is to 1) Realize that there isn’t really a “left behind” in a game like this. Everyone will hit cap eventually. 2) Utilize something like

I think your statement about Destiny needing the full variety of it’s activities is accurate. Destiny without all it’s pieces is a singularly average shooter. Raiding, and in particular my first D1 raid, was one of the single greatest moments of gaming for me - and I’ve been playing for 30 years. There really is

I heard they just read Hunger Games.

Depends on what bored you? Was it the mechanics of the gunplay? The idea of chasing loot? The Crucible game modes? Do you not like FPS games?

Listen. Fries dipped in a Frosty is one of the top five best foods of all time. I won’t stand for this snarky “chocolate and fries” nonsense.

Amen. Nothing like a kid to make you strive for who you want to be. They force you to find the good in you, and it’s the best. And nothing is as unconditional as your kid.

Is it possible that you were playing cos it was fun?

Shout away! It IS fantastic.

It’s not Helvetica :) And guaranteed they cycled through a billion designs before they settled on what they have.

Scrub? Chunks? Wut? Explain in layman’s terms please!

Yup. I’ll never understand why people play games when they aren’t enjoying the experience. I have a buddy who must find every collectible in every game he gets into. Has to 100% it. He hates it, and freely admits it’s not fun and feels like a waste of his time, but he does it anyway. I don’t get it.

I have 1k hours in Destiny and still find it fun. I’m playing because I want to, not because I need to. The core mechanics keep me coming back at this point, not the loot. I think Jason’s comment is on point. Gonna take a chunk of time to figure out if D2 is as sticky as D1.

Oh boy. This is one of the greatest records of all time.

I used to finish some radio stuff since my regular team is all on Overwatch. Might want to check that out, it’s been great for me.

I want to love this game but I’m just not sure it’s for me. Got through the first Divine Beast on Wii U, bought a switch, started over, loved it at first (I knew what I was doing this time) and then dropped off hard after getting to that Old Girl Lady. So much of the game just feels so unrewarding. Spent 15 minutes

Huh. How so? I have both, and I love my Wii U for it’s awesome game library, but it’s kind of a clunky system compared to the switch.

Too late. The Flash already wrecked it.

“It felt bad to see so plainly, and I won’t be checking OverBuff again.”