I was cleaning the house with the help of my 2 year old yesterday. When I want to go empty the trash by my computer my $150 Elite controller tumbled out along with all the old yogurt containers and other trash. Whoops, and phew!
I was cleaning the house with the help of my 2 year old yesterday. When I want to go empty the trash by my computer my $150 Elite controller tumbled out along with all the old yogurt containers and other trash. Whoops, and phew!
See now, this is the perfect example of different strokes. The second one you posted is nice with the butt cape, but the rest of them look super goofy to me (opinions!). Especially all the space knight ones (don’t get me wrong, I love me some ROM) and the fake Tron thing (OG Tron is goat). I spent almost the…
What? What is this crazy talk? The helmets in MEA are dope AF. Way cooler than anything I had in the OG trilogy.
Looks more like Omolon.
My pleasure. Grain of salt thoug cos we don’t make games. :)
This is the best response.
Sad face.
I’m super down with that as long as it doesn’t tank the company or project. Can you do it without incurring huge monetary and technical debt to a point where it’s unrecoverable? Great, do it.
Why is it always teenagers?
I own a software company. You don’t always have the luxury of being able to delay a product, so you shoot for a minimum viable product and then fix after you ship. It’s not ideal, but it’s pretty much unavoidable in many cases.
Wait. Isn’t Super Shimada Bros a Mario Bros reference, and not a Smash reference.
That’s an interesting statement. Care to elaborate? As a business owner, choosing to forgo an opportunity because the monetary investment outweighs the potential profit is a good decision. Why does it inspire a boycott in you?
Yeah man, I’m with you. All the complaints I’m seeing bout the new live action version are totally applicable to the animated version. Looks awesome, lacks depth. Confuses “being deep” with mostly nonsensical musings. Minimal character development. Kinda lame story with a poor climax. Etc. Still. They are both…
Weird. Why not just not play it and ignore it? Unless you’re a Sith Lord in which case continue to feed on hate and anger.
I found Horizon to be significantly more enjoyable than Zelda. Zelda is good, Horizon is great. YMMV! But it’s become one of my all time favorite games, and I believe everyone should play it.
Nah. Makes a nice clean break, as opposed to giving it a subtitle and confusing everyone into thinking that it’s DLC for Destiny.
Seriously. I’m excited for Destiny 2, but this is the most anti-hype reveal ever.
Where’d you get that scarfy outfit?
This is a guess, but probably their weekly update, which means info will be minimal. They do an update article every Thursday.