No headshot damage and her bullet is a tiny DOT. No impact damage. Rifle is bolt action, Can’t fire again until the DOT ends. Played her on PTR. Amazing fun.
No headshot damage and her bullet is a tiny DOT. No impact damage. Rifle is bolt action, Can’t fire again until the DOT ends. Played her on PTR. Amazing fun.
No probs! Hopefully she can be helpful for whatever you need.
Perfect wording, actually. Made me tee-hee.
Fun fact: My sister-in-law did the gore animations for this game. blood, guts, tendons, etc. her litmus test was “did that just make me run to the bathroom and dry heave? no?” Not good enough then.
It’s not. Used to raid hardcore up through WotLK and my (now )wife gives me the side eye whenever I bring up that era.
Ex- hardcore vanilla/BC/WotLK raider here. Good riddance to raiding as a job and ruining your life for it. LFR saved the game for me and it’s so much more fun to play now. Different strokes.
They did? Crazy. Although, I’m pretty creative (BFA in Fine Art, blah blah, other things) and I still don’t get the appeal. I’m willing to buy “it’s just a personality thing” though.
Visionaries and some Jace as well please!
Would be great to get labels of who all these characters are supposed to be on these cosplay posts. The only stuff I recognized was the Blizz stuff.
Hahah! Perfect. Best explanation I’ve seen yet.
I’m not sure I’ll ever understand why some folks get so worked up about shipping. It’s all just kinda weird to me, but I’ve never been a big “head canon” kinda guy. Either it’s part of the lore (from the company), or it’s not real. I dunno. Generational differences probably. That’s not real music!
Yeah man, crazy Blade Runner-looking, alien bounty hunter, open world thingy with a sweet Jonny Cash song in the trailer? Clearly was the greatest game of all time. It was too good for us, we wouldn’t have been able to handle it.
Pretty sure Prey 2 was going to be the greatest game of all time and this makes me sad.
Saw it last night. Had a great time and think it's a solid B. Falls apart a bit at the end, but it doesn't deserve all the hate it's getting.
Got into a series of rounds on Overwatch last night were we were all picking the same character. So the other team started doing the same thing. All Junkrat v All Rein is surprisingly fun. anyway, we go all Winstons. Get to the point and realize the other team is also all Winstons. no one could figure out who was who,…
Is Radial-G worth it? I have the oculus dev kit and keep thinking I should try it, but then chicken out...
You don’t actually own any of your games. You have purchased the right to use the software based on terms set by the people who make that software. If the company determines that you have broken the user license they can revoke your access to the software. You agree to it the minute you fire up a game. It’s the EULA…
I was in the beta for months and months, then bought it on PC and Xbox. Not bored yet. One of the most fun, compelling multiplayer games I’ve played in years and years. YMMV.
Total War: Warhammer. This game is blowin my mind right out of the water! Also, Overwatch.
That’s funny, because he’s arguably the “oldest guy.” He was the leader of Overwatch and he’s an old man!