
Yeah, just looked. What I was thinking of was in the game guide. It’s just info about the races and characters, but it’s less extensive than I thought.

Were on PC by any chance? I still fire it up once or twice a month on Xbox and easily get into games every time.

I believe you can read tons and tons of lore and descriptions for everything right in the game, and they’re constantly giving you links to that info while you play. For what it’s worth.

If you want to get down with some Skaven you should check out Vermintide. L4D, but Warhammer.

“This isn’t even the good Warhammer. It’s the dorky medieval one.”

We must have played totally different Titanfalls. My version was amazing and had hundreds of hours of fun wrapped in it. :). Sorry yours sucked for you. :(

It didn’t spoil me as I’ve read far enough in the books. I did stop watching the show in the middle of season five though when it got past where the books are at.

Hey, uuuuhhhh...spoiler? Kinda shitty to put this up for the folks that haven’t been able to keep up with the books/show.

Good heavens, it’s Ride! I think this is the first time I’ve ever recognized a band on Kotaku.

This was in one of the cinematic trailers that was released before the game came out wasn’t it?

Go play Return of Reckoning, a great private server for Warhammer Online with a strong community!

I agree! Halo Reach single player is best Halo. And this is from a guy who was a Halo fan since day one, and even wrote professionally for a couple of big mags back in the early days about Halo.

Haha. Alright man. Some random person on the internet says it’s totally cool so that must be the way it is.

It would hurt their bottom line. They would lose the rights to protect their IP if hey let other people run WoW servers. Additionally, They’d have to set up an entire dev team, build a budget for the legacy version, create a road map, host servers, etc.

Except for the fact that WoW is an MMO which means it is a game designed to be changed over time. It’s kind of implicit in the genre. Patches, expansions, additions, events, player bases, servers - all changing as time marches forward. It’s not a static game, and never has been. If that’s what folks want they need to

Blizzard choosing not run legacy servers - which is basically another game with a separate dev team, budgets, road maps, etc. - isn’t some great injustice. They aren’t out to get you. This isn’t a down with the man situation. Trying to turn it into one is pretty silly.

This was my pirate shanty jam, and my sea faring soundtrack. I would stop and start my crew singing for as long as it took to get to this song.

That whole One More Day thing was when I stopped reading Marvel on the regular. Ruined so much for me.

Love this game, and recommend it to any DC fan out there. It’s pretty easy as an MMO goes, but it’s very enjoyable - to the point were I bought a lifetime sub when it came out and I still play it.

Absolutely. The Souls series is one of the worst bunch of game I can think of to spend my game time on. Can’t stand ‘em, not for me, have fun everyone!