
He’s using the full quote from Top Gun. That’s the joke. “You can be my wingman anytime” is the line from the movie. And the author is making a non sequitur joke by saying Guile can do that at 3.

Oh sweet, clueless Troll, shower us with your wisdom.

It looks nothing like a raid from watching the live stream. It’s a challengier challenge mission. Which sounds like a not fun time.

Except the Division is mostly boring, and has a grind that’s in many ways worse than Destiny while not having the excellent gun play to support it or a compelling reward loop. Challenge mode is awful. DZ can be fun, but despite loving it for awhile, has worn out it’s welcome (and is totally broken with God mode

Man, I wanted the division to be amazing. But you hit 30 and it triples down on all the stuff that’s bad about the game. And this Incurions looks terrible. A single room full of bullet sponges? No thanks. That looks nothing like a Destiny raid. Sad face.

This looked nothing like a Destiny raid, and just more of the same for The Division. More heath, more enemies, etc. It’s a fun game, but it’s gonna run outta steam fast unless they show some truly interesting mechanics.

Hah! Well, hey man, I can’t argue with that. :)

No, I think it’s relative. Buy gear to win? Annoying. This is not that. Only a sith deals in absolutes.

Ugh, this is such a poorly worded section of this article, feels designed to illicit misplaced rage. You can buy the boxes that drop the gear if you want, at LL3, then use your current gear to infuse it. Or, you can get three a week very easily (one just shows up in your mailbox every week), that also drop at LL3 and

To everyone freaking out about being able to buy the gear and pay to win and cosmetic items only etc, calm down and think about it. That’s why they come at LL3. You still need to go out and earn a piece of gear for infusion to make the stats relevant, this just let you purchase the cosmetic look of the gear if you

I’ve had that happened. I just stayed away from them and hid as best I could. It was tense and fun. They killed me 3 or 4 times, took my gear, but that’s part of it. That scary tension.

I have one high end, that’s it. Other’s will come in time and I’m in no rush. I guess I don’t get why you seem to be so angry that I enjoy the DZ. It doesn’t have to be an argument. We clearly have different motivations when we play, which is fine.

Sounds like you and I play games for very different reasons. DZ is fun, I still get useful gear, I enjoy going rogue for fun or hunting down rogues and could care less about the rewards. Basically, I’m not trying to min max, I’m just enjoying myself and that’s my only motivating factor. Hence, I think the DZ is an

Really? I always have a good time in there. Fighting NPC’s for loot, getting ganked by a rogue, going rogue, tense extractions with other random agents wondering who is going to shoot first, teaming up with other agents and working together because you are both running proximity chat, manhunts, sniping rogues from on

It’s a fun game. Not perfect, but very fun. Endgame isn’t really there yet to be sure, but they’re working on it and in the meantime the DZ is solid and enjoyable. But, i’ve easily gotten 80+ hours out of the game and i’m not even close to being maxed out past the current “end game.”

I guess my response to that would be “Fallout 4's robot builder is very cool and has a great many options, but you can’t make any of these famous robots.”

I suppose I’ll play some Division, although it seems to be wearing out it’s welcome. At some point I’m sure I’ll get annoyed with it and switch over to Halo multiplayer.

None of these really look like who they’re supposed to look like.

This whole poor people narrative is kind of a weird thing. Is it because they’re looters? I’m looting the shit out of new york, but I have tons of credits. It’s kind of a dumb critique that makes no sense.

That menu option would actually be a great idea. Especially for console players. Everybody wins!